Letter to the Editor: Memorial Day appreciation

To the Editor:

During Memorial Day weekend I visit many cemeteries and there is always a flag on our veteran’s grave. Someone had to place the flag there. Appreciation goes out to all of the unseen volunteers.

On Memorial Day I went to the Oakland Cemetery for the program where we heard Sean Liddiard give his “Voice of Democracy” essay. Good job, Sean! Also, appreciation goes out to the ladies that presented their “Quilts of Valor” to some area veterans.

I then went to the Vets Hall for chicken dinner where I found many Boy Scouts volunteering. Many of the volunteers are the next generation and will do a great job.

It takes a lot of volunteers on Memorial Day to put up a beautiful Avenue of Flags, and the Boy Scouts helped with that also. Thanks to all who turned out to help, Veterans and all.

A senior citizen,

Ada Marie Kerndt