Cupping therapy now offered with massage therapy

Cupping therapy at VMH ... Pictured above is Shannen Mezera, licensed massage therapist at Veterans Memorial Hospital, demonstrating the new cupping therapy that is now being offered with 60 and 90 minute massages. Mezera states, “It has been said that five minutes of cupping is the equivalent of 30 minutes of deep tissue massage.” Cupping therapy uses air suction rather than tissue compression. By creating suction, cupping therapy lifts connective tissue, releases rigid tissue and loosens adhesions. When doing this, stagnation waste product and toxins are brought to skin level where they can be easily flushed out of the body via the lymphatic and circulatory system. Submitted photo.

by Shannen Mezera,
Massage Therapist,
Veterans Memorial Hospital

Cupping therapy is now offered in the Veterans Memorial Hospital Massage Therapy department. It has been said that five minutes of cupping is the equivalent of 30 minutes of deep tissue massage. Cupping Therapy uses air suction rather than tissue compression. By creating suction, cupping therapy lifts connective tissue, releases rigid tissue and loosens adhesions. When doing this, stagnation waste product and toxins are brought to skin level where it can be easily flushed out of the body via the lymphatic and circulatory system.

Many may remember the famous marks Michael Phelps had on his back during the Summer Olympic Games. This was from his cupping treatments.

Because cupping therapy uses suction, one will normally see marks where the treatment was given. The marks one may see from treatment are not bruises and should not be painful to the touch. They are metabolic waste, toxins and other stagnant material that have been freed from the underlying tissue and brought to the surface where they can be more easily flushed away. The marks may last from hours up to three weeks. One should try to avoid using any essential oils or fragranced lotions on the marks immediately after treatment. Before receiving another cupping treatment, be sure the marks and any deep muscle soreness from previous treatment are gone.

Cupping therapy is offered in 60-minute or 90-minute sessions. The cups are used 15-20 minutes during these sessions, with the remaining time used for pre-assessment and massage.

Cupping therapy is not recommended if one has or is experiencing any of the following: Fever or illness, bleeding disorders or are taking blood thinners, Psoriasis or other skin conditions, edema or varicose veins on the area being worked, Leukemia, skin lesions on area being worked, dislocations or broken bones or pregnancy.

For additional questions or to make an appointment, call the Veterans Memorial Hospital Massage Therapy Department at 563-568-3411.