Letter to the Editor: The upside down flag

To the Editor:

For the past several months, a rare sighting has been spotted here in Allamakee County. It has been thought to be disrespectful and is met with concern, puzzlement and probably anger. It has, down through the years, with respect to the best of my knowledge, been proudly flown over the land that it represents. I speak of the Stars and Stripes Flag of the United States of America.

For the past several months, it has been flown upside down. My wife and I totally respect it and have assisted our armed forces with seven years of our lives serving in the U.S. Army and Air Force, responding to a call to help protect this country with our love for this country and the banner that flies so proudly over it, being discharged honorably.

That flag was flown in front of the country school where I attended for eight years being taught about how our government works including proper presentation of the flag, including singing songs about it. One of the rules of displaying the flag was if this country is in deep trouble being threatened by an enemy, the flag can be flown upside down as a warning of impending danger to its people.

We are being destroyed from within our borders. Many years ago in a popular comic strip by the name of Pogo, the writer wrote, “We have found the enemy and it are us.” We are killing babies at the rate of nine hundred each day just here in the U.S.A., violently; their body parts being removed surgically while they are alive so that they can and are sold in as fresh a condition as possible. Skulls are crushed, arms and legs pulled from bodies while still in mom’s body; all done, and in many other ways, without anesthetic. Planned Parenthood are the murderers of this holocaust put in place by the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Remember Roe vs. Wade and baby Doe.

Fifty million babies have died torturous deaths being supported by the U.S. Government to the tune of 50 million dollars per year, tax payer money because the Supreme Court cannot decide when life begins. President Obama signed a law that we taxpayers would pay for all abortions worldwide.

You and I are living in bodies that belong to our Creator. That means private property is being destroyed by criminal activity. Commandment number six of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shall not commit murder.” Homosexuals do not reproduce. They are a protected species of the U.S. Government.

These two things are an abomination to our Creator. He hates it. He is cursing the U.S. by allowing our staunch enemy to come into our country. President Obama had our military pilots bring the Muslims in. They are over a million strong and raising children, most of a dozen per family. They have exclaimed for years they are going to destroy the great Satan, you and me.

The ten commandments are not allowed in any federal, state or county buildings. Our Creator God has been kicked out of our schools. Pagan Heathen gods and their traditions are being taught in our churches. Judges judging in some of our court rooms are being forced to judge by Islam law forced by Muslims. This last summer, Muslim law was placed into effect in Rochester, MN, but I don’t know the particulars. A Muslim woman is now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

You follow the Christian Sabbath instead of obeying our God and His only begotten son, Yahshua, thereby disobeying all of the commandments, and you wonder why your prayers aren’t answered. What do you have against the seventh day sabbath, Genesis 2 Verses 1-3?

I have only mentioned a few of our enemies. If we don’t start to obey our God so that He will turn this country around, you will wish you would have. One more, California opened its Mexican border to any and all.

The upside down flag has no political bearing whatsoever. U.S. Code for the Flag is 36-176. Respect for Flag. “(a) The flag should never be displayed with the Union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” Source: www.usflag.org/uscode36.html United State Code - Title 36 - Chapter 10 #175.

You fuss over my warning of impending horrors, yet the only place I see it is downtown Waukon. Thank you to the City of Waukon for flying that beautiful flag.

Nanferd and Judy Felke