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Home ›Waukon High School FFA competes at District Contest
by Carmen Wille
Chapter Reporter
Saturday, March 14, 22 members of the Little Switzerland FFA Chapter at Waukon High School traveled to Van Horne to compete at District Contest. At the event, members were able to showcase all of the preparation and studying they put into their Leadership Career Development Events (CDE).
Sophomore Christa Heffern received a silver ranking in Public Speaking, a CDE that is designed to improve rural and agricultural leadership, to propose participation in public speaking events, and to stimulate interest along such lines. Participants in this contest are able to choose a topic in Agriculture to present to a panel of judges.
Freshmen Dani Stock and MaKayla Manning took part in the Greenhand Quiz, and they both received a gold ranking. This quiz is used to test the knowledge of first-year FFA members. That freshman pair also placed first and received a gold ranking as a Greenhand Quiz team. Sophomore Austin Day participated in the Chapter Quiz, which is used to test participants about general FFA knowledge, similar to the Greenhand Quiz. He received a silver ranking.
The Experience the Action (ETA) team, composed of junior Bethany Stock and sophomores Erika Johnson, Cassandra Miller and Carmen Wille, placed fourth and received a gold ranking. Their audience members were a group of freshman and sophomore FFA members, including Chance Opperman, Brooks Mathis, Whitney Cota, Devin Bieber, Joe Lloyd, Elizabeth Blake, Sarah Ryan, Cassy Urell and Terrell Baumler. ETA is a Career Development Event used to promote Ag Education and FFA. This contest is used to motivate students to enroll in Ag Education and become members of the FFA. Participants are to create an enthusiastic presentation to emphasize the exciting aspects of agriculture and the National FFA Organization.
The Farm Management team, made up of senior Mary Melcher and juniors Nolan Hagen and Michael Schulte, received a silver rating as a team. As individuals, Melcher received a silver ranking, and Hagen and Schulte each received bronze. Farm Management is a CDE where participants have to evaluate agriculture management information, apply economic principles and concepts, look over agricultural business decisions, and work together as a team. Members who partake in the contest take an individual exam and complete a team event.
Also at convention, junior Megan Leiran and sophomore Emma Johnson served as chapter delegates for Waukon FFA. These two members watched presentations by District Officer candidates and were then responsible for electing FFA members from across the local District to serve as the 2015-2016 Officer Team.