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by Heather Homewood,
Allamakee County Veterans Affairs Director
In order to understand VA benefits, please remember that there are three main branches of administration that cover federal benefits. The Benefit Administration covers Disability Compensation, Non-Service Connected Disability Pension, Education, Home Loan Guaranties, and Death Benefits. The Health Care Administration covers Medical Care in VA facilities and Fee Basis Health Care. Finally, the Cemetery Administration covers aspects of burial in veteran cemeteries.
The following are a few recently changed federal and state veteran benefits.
Change in VA policy has made health care more accessible
Recently, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced the elimination of the requirement for veterans to provide net worth information when applying for VA Health Care Benefits. The VA will now only consider veterans’ gross household income and deductible medical expenses from the previous calendar year. This has made VA Health Care more accessible for some veterans. Veterans who have been denied health care benefits in the past are encouraged to reapply for benefits.
Enrollment in the VA Health Care System allows veterans to receive their medications through the VA by either paying an eight dollar per month per prescription co-payment or they may receive them at no cost to the veteran at all. This is determined by finances and/or priority group.
Enrollment is as easy as completing a 10-10EZ or application for health benefits. This application may be obtained at any VA hospital or clinic. You may also pick one up at the Allamakee County Veterans Affairs Office. The application consists of general information, military history, insurance information, employment information, dependent information and a financial assessment
During the enrollment process, the veteran is assigned to a priority group. Priority groups are determined by what percent VA rated service connected disability the veteran may have or not, if the veteran was a POW, has a Purple Heart and what the veteran’s financial situation is.
Veterans who served in combat locations during active military service after November 11, 1998 are eligible for free VA health care for conditions potentially related to combat service for five years following separation from active duty.
Veterans Choice Act change
The Veterans Choice Program is a temporary benefit that allows eligible veterans to receive health care in their communities rather than waiting for a VA appointment or traveling to a VA facility. Veterans wanting to use the Veterans Choice Program should call 866-606-8198 to confirm their eligibility and to schedule an appointment. Appointments must be approved and scheduled through this number first.
VA has also recently changed the eligibility for the Veterans Choice Program based on the distance between a veteran’s place of residence and the nearest VA medical facility using the shortest driving distance rather than straight-line distance as calculated before.
Veterans are eligible if any of these situations apply:
• You have been told by your local VA medical facility that you will need to wait more than 30 days from your preferred date or the date medically determined by your physician;
• Your current residence is more than 40 miles from the closest VA health care facility;
• You need to travel by plane or boat to the VA medical facility closest to your home
• You face an unusual or excessive burden in traveling to a VA medical facility based on the presence of a body of water (including moving water and still water) or a geologic formation that cannot be crossed by road.
Disabled Veterans Homestead Tax Credit
This recently added state benefit provides 100% exemption of property taxes for 100% disabled service-connected veterans rated through the Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition, veterans rated 100% because of IU are now also eligible for the exemption. Both 100% service connected disabled veterans and 100% with IU veterans must have a permanent and total rating to apply. Furthermore, widows or dependent children receiving Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) also qualify for the exemption. The deadline for the application is July 1 of each year and applicants need to only apply once.
For more information, contact Allamakee County Veterans Affairs at 563-568-6135. You may also stop by our office on the first floor of the courthouse.