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Home ›Substitute Authorization Class set for late Sept.
Keystone Area Education Agency (AEA) will be offering the required training course for the Iowa Substitute Authorization. This authorization allows an individual to substitute in a Pre-Kindergarten-12th grade classroom. Anyone who is a Certified Paraeducator, the assigned special education classroom may be at the elementary, middle school, junior high school or high school level.
The Substitute Authorization course is 20-clock hour training. The course dates are September 25-27 at Keystone AEA, located at 2310 Chaney Road in Dubuque. The course number is 31531-Substitute Authorization (Dubuque). The class will meet from 5-9 p.m. September 25 and from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. September 26 and 27.
The four core components of the course are Classroom Management, Strategies for Learning, Diversity and Ethics. Upon successful completion of the program the participant may apply to the Board of Educational Examiners for a license. A state and federal background check is also required. Local districts have the option of hiring individuals with the Substitute Authorization, it does not guarantee employment. Those seeking certification are asked to check with their local district in regard to employment opportunities.
Anyone who meets the following five criteria is eligible to receive this new authorization:
1. Has achieved at least one of the following: (1) holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution, OR (2) has completed an approved Paraeducator Certification Program and holds a Paraeducator Certificate.
2. Has attained a minimum age of 21 years.
3. Has successfully completed an Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation background check.
4. Has successfully completed a National Criminal History background check.
5. Has successfully completed all the requirements of an approved Substitute Authorization course.
Requirements to achieve Substitute Authorization include sending the following in to the Board of Educational Examiners:
A complete application form;
Issuance fee and background fee made payable to the Board of Educational Examiners, Licensure, Grimes State Office Building, 400 E. 14th St., Des Moines, IA 50319-0147;
Completed fingerprint cards and waiver form;
Official verification (transcript) of completion of the 15 contact hour (minimum) course required for the Substitute Authorization;
Official transcript showing a bachelor’s degree or a paraeducator certificate.
A minimum of 10 participants is required to make the course happen. Participants must attend all sessions. Keystone AEA reserves the right to cancel the program due to low enrollment. Notification of cancelation will be made to those registered.
To register for the class, visit on the Keystone AEA page. Note: When filling out the ‘Course Registration’ page, select the open circle to the left of the word ‘Recert’. Even though attendees are not teachers, they need to select the "recert" option.
The period of renewal for this authorization is once every three years. At the time of renewal, those certified will need to submit verification of two 15 contact hour courses taken within the three-year period from the date their Authorization was issued, the renewal application form, documentation of Mandatory Child and Dependent Adult Abuse training and the renewal fee.
Those with further questions may contact Kathy Wessel at 1-800-632-5918, ext 1320 or during regular business hours.