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Home ›Letter to the Editor: What have the Legislators been doing?
To the Editor:
Do you have lots of questions about our country? We now have Republicans in both houses, what are they doing?
There are many things that should be voted on, such as English only in our schools. This is America and English is the language of our country. If you want to learn another language, you are free to do so, but at your expense, not the taxpayers.
Other issues that should be voted on:
Introducing legislation getting rid of taxpayer-funded perks, like first class flights and luxury car leases. Politicians shouldn’t live like royalty at the taxpayer’s expense.
Authoring a bill to permanently ban members of Congress from ever becoming lobbyists. Elected officials shouldn’t be able to cash in on their public service.
Forming the new bipartisan Term Limits Caucus and backing legislation to put term limits on the House and Senate. Serving in office should be a part-time sacrifice, not a career.
Supporting legislation to end the lucrative taxpayer-funded pensions that politicians receive. At a time when our working families are struggling to get back on their feet, Congress shouldn’t be enjoying Cadillac retirement packages.
Put a bill in to reinstall the Ten Commandments and the Bible in school as a local option. Local people can and will run our schools better. Our U.S. Government has turned our schools into not education, but indoctrination.
Introduce a law to severely punish drug dealers.
The above are common sense issues that should be put on the president’s desk for his signature or veto. Republicans, get to work once, please.
Some of those Republicans have been in Congress way too long. They have done a terrible job; look at Congress' approval rating - terrible. Look at our terrible national debt, look at the moral level in our country, look at our education system, look at the D.C. police.
Who’s going to fix all our problems? It’s not the old line established Republican party, but we certainly cannot sustain another four or eight years of what we have now.
I’ve seen a map showing sleeper cells all over our country. If you don’t know what they are, they are training camps to train terrorists. They should be put out of business.
If you’re not concerned about this country, you better learn. We are very close to being like Greece - banks closed, no Social Security checks. We’ll have total chaos.
By the way, it’s Christmas time. Don’t be afraid to wish people a Merry Christmas, so, Merry Christmas to all.
Kindest regards and God Bless,
Ozzie Quandahl