Letter to the Editor: Some things you should know

To the Editor:

Tom Harkin is retiring, that’s good. He served New York, not Iowa.

Mr. Grassley congratulated Harkin on doing a great job. Harkin supported all the liberal ideas - abortion, same sex marriage, condoms in schools, Planned Parenthood and Obama’s health plan. He was for the Bible and Ten Commandments to be taken out of schools, for no more God in the Democratic platform, and for common core education, plus every evil liberal idea.

Harkin wanted to eliminate Iowa’s right to work law, he was the deciding vote on whether small meat processors or locker plant operators could go interstate with their meat products. The big union bosses instructed him to vote no.

What the hell was Grassley thinking with his remark?

Tom Harkin and Harry Reid both retiring - good. I would like to see an investigation into both these men - what was their net worth when they were first elected and now what is their net worth? They will never be investigated because all these old timers on both sides of the aisle are doing the same thing, which is, increasing their net worth enormously.

That’s why the election went to Trump. The more I see and hear Trump, the better I like him.

The reason our Congress has an 11% approval rating in the Gallup poll is there are too many like Harkin, Reid, Lewis, Pelosi, Schumer, McCain, Grassley, Graham, and Sharpton and Jackson (who aren’t in Congress); the list could go on.

Kindest regards
and God Bless,
Ozzie Quandahl

P.S. At this writing, 60 or more Congressmen will not attend the swearing in of President Trump. I say good, they should stay home permanently. They have dumbed down innocent, uneducated people with the idea that they will vote Democratic. That is criminal and when people figure it out, they will vote them out.

Our laws are terrible, look at the tax code and healthcare law - so heavy a five-year-old boy could barely lift them. These laws have such big holes you could drive a big semi truck and tractor through them. You better get concerned.