Letter to the Editor: The 2020 Census still matters and time is of the essence

To the Editor:

The Census has announced their intentions to move the final response date for the Census from October 31 to September 30.

A quick online search and you can find the 2020 Census Response Rate Map. The interactive map allows you to select a county or city and learn what the 2020 Census Response Rate is in the selected area. COVID-19 has decreased the outreach efforts associated with Census completion, but at Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation, we anticipate that the NEED for funding and resources directly affected by Census data will increase exponentially as a result of COVID-19.

Census data is used to determine a variety of things from the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives to which communities need new schools, new roads, and increased services for families, children, and older adults. Federal funding allocations for Medicaid, Head Start, mental health services, and SNAP benefits are determined using Census data. Census data informs business owners looking to expand where potential employees and customers reside. This data affects us all in one way or another and we should all be concerned about the potential for the deadline to complete the Census being moved up.

I’ve heard the phrase “we’re all in this together” more times than I can count in the past six months. This is an opportunity for you to show that you believe every person in your community counts.

• Ask your employer to post a reminder or send an e-mail to staff regarding the 2020 Census.
• Ask your church to make an announcement, post a reminder in the weekly bulletin, or send an e-mail to parishioners about the 2020 Census.
• Ask your children’s school or childcare to send a flyer home or send an e-mail about the 2020 Census.
• Ask your colleagues, friends, or the cashier in the local convenience store if they’ve completed the 2020 Census.

Karli Schmelzer
Operations & Development Director
Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation