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Advent Waiting
A blessing and spiritual gift: Advent is the season of four weeks, the time within the church year, that invites us to embrace the spiritual discipline of waiting. Yes, my friends, there actually are spiritual gifts and blessings we receive through waiting and while in the midst of waiting.
Let’s explore a few of these spiritual gifts:
1) To ensure that our hearts and souls will be ready, whenever Jesus appears in our daily lives or God the Father calls out to us: we are to wait expectantly, alertly, patiently, and attentively. Waiting expectantly for Jesus – like when we await the birth of a child. Waiting alertly for the Lord’s presence – like when we are at a stop light / for homemade Christmas candy to harden / in a long line for a ride at Disneyland or Disney World. Waiting patiently for God to answer our prayer(s) – similar to when we are awaiting a clinic appointment or hospital test/procedure – awaiting a flower or Christmas cactus to bloom.
Waiting attentively for Christ’s word in our hearts – like when cookies are baked or when at the bedside of someone dying.
2) A reminder that God is not done with you yet – therefore, be patient and willing to wait on improving yourself. By waiting we can deepen our hope, joy, peace, patience within our hearts. 3) Together as we wait during Advent: what a difference it makes to be waiting with someone at your side rather than waiting alone. Better together! Be like the elderly Abraham and Sarah who in the Old Testament awaited the birth of a son Isaac … or like Elizabeth and Zechariah in the Gospel of Luke who anxiously waited for the birth of their child John … or like Simeon and Anna who awaited the Messiah’s appearance in the Jerusalem temple. Recall the inexpressible joy of Simeon when he saw and held the baby Jesus; reflect on how Anna thanked God and spoke to everyone afterwards about the child Jesus when she had seen him.
You might have seen an Advent banner stating “Rejoice, for the Lord is near.” This year why not create your own banner: “Awaiting the Lord and being blessed all the while.”
Fr. John Moser
St. Patrick Catholic Church Waukon
St. Mary Catholic Church Hanover and Dorchester