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Home ›Letter to the Editor: Change the rules when you do not like the outcome
To the Editor:
In her letter to the editor in the May 18 edition of The Standard, Lisa Welsh proposed packing the Supreme Court in order to get the outcome she wants. Ms. Welsh is upset over the leak by someone within the Supreme Court that Roe v. Wade is about to be overturned. So her response is to change the rules because she does not like the outcome.
This is exactly the type of response one expects from people who think like Ms. Welsh. They refuse to look at the real issues at stake and focus only on their own personal beliefs. Their issue seems to be that more federal control over all aspects of our individual lives is OK.
If memory serves me correctly, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to pack the court and was rebuffed. The current administration is trying the same end run and the effort will again be defeated.
From my perspective, it appears that if indeed Roe v. Wade is overturned it will mean that the states will individually decide the abortion issue. That seems to be where the decision should have been made in the first place.
Those who oppose the current move apparently have no regard for human life. Even President Biden commented, very recently, that abortion was actually killing an unborn person. How can anyone with a Christian background support such a concept?
I do not believe that the majority of Iowans want unlimited access to abortions and I hope that those who believe as Ms. Welsh does will accept the decision of the court and respect the sanctity of life.
Lowell L. Engle
Harpers Ferry