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Home ›Word for Word 7/6/22
Independence Day – Freedom to follow the Lord
On the Fourth of July we celebrate the birth of our country. As Americans I hope you took a few moments during this holiday to give thanks to the Lord for our liberty, justice and precious gift of freedom. Our nation recognizes that all are equal regardless of race, political affiliation, gender, age, health, whether born or yet to be born. We are free to follow the Lord or some other god.
I think that whenever we seek freedom it can be found easiest by following the Lord’s way – Jesus’ new commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” John 13:34
Through Christ Jesus we are given love that is unending; in addition, we receive freedom, mercy, peace and hope. “For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.” Gal 5:1
May we take the opportunity each day (not only on Independence Day) to spread lasting freedom in our families, in our nation and everywhere on earth. My prayer for you: May your day be free from worry and fear. That you give God all your cares and experience His peace. Amen.
God bless each person and the USA.
Fr. John Moser
St. Patrick Catholic Church Waukon
St. Mary Catholic Church Hanover and Dorchester