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Home ›Word for Word 7/13/22
RAGBRAI, the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, is coming to northeast Iowa in just a few weeks. Approximately 15,000 bicyclists from around the world will be pedaling through Waukon and ending up in Lansing on July 30. It will be a very exciting summer!
As a clergy, I have been volunteering on the Lansing RAGBRAI team. I’ve written some of the press releases you’ve been reading and worked designing the logo. I think it is important the ministers and members of our congregations serve the community and this is a fun and convenient way to do so. The entire event will bring a lot of revenue and future tourism to our communities.
There is still time for you to get involved, connect with other local people, and meet some of the fascinating RAGBRAI riders who will be coming from around the world. Many different volunteer positions are available. Simply head over to the Lansing RAGBRAI website:, click on the volunteer button and fill out the form. You can indicate your availability and areas of interest.
Did I mention that there are benefits? Not only will you get to be a part of the action and feel good about giving back to your community, you’ll get a free RAGBRAI t-shirt! On top of that, you’ll be invited to Volunteer Appreciation Night on Thursday, September 1 from 5-8 p.m at Clear Creek Park in Lansing.
There, we’ll celebrate our accomplishments and serve everyone free pizza and soft drinks. Give-a-ways are inevitable!
Volunteers are invited to attend one of two brief training events so you’ll be well-informed about what to expect. Really important information will be shared such as emergency plans, site-specific needs, last minute reminders, etc. Plus, you’ll get your free t-shirt! Come to Lansing Office Works, 274 Main Street, Lansing on Sunday, July 17 at 5 p.m. or Wednesday, July 20 at 6 p.m. If you’d prefer to Zoom instead, you can find the links at the website. If you haven’t already signed up, you can do so at these events.
I really encourage you to volunteer for this year’s RAGBRAI event. You’ll be glad you did!.
Rev. Laura Gentry
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Lansing