Parents urged to schedule child immunizations now, Avoid back-to-school rush

VMH Community and Home Care/Allamakee County Public Health ...
VMH Community and Home Care/Allamakee County Public Health ... With the new school year just around the corner, Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care/Allamakee Public Health, pictured above, is reminding all parents to ensure their children are up-to-date on all immunizations and to get those vaccines scheduled now before the back-to-school rush. Vaccine appointments are available locally by calling Allamakee Public Health at 563-568-5660. Submitted photo.

With the new school year just around the corner, Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) Community and Home Care/Allamakee Public Health and the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (Iowa HHS) are reminding all parents to ensure their children are up to date on all immunizations. It is important to schedule an appointment with their healthcare provider or public health agency as soon as possible.

“Back to school is one of the busiest times of the year for families, which is why we urge everyone with school-age children to schedule appointments now to get the necessary vaccines,” said Sheryl Darling-Mooney, RN. “Diseases such as measles and whooping cough still exist. Keeping kids up to date on vaccines helps them stay safe from potentially life-threatening illnesses.”

In the state of Iowa, all children in licensed childcare, elementary and secondary schools (including middle and high school) must be adequately immunized against: 1
• Measles and rubella (MMR)
• Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (DTaP/Tdap)
• Polio (IPV)
• Varicella (chicken pox)
• Hepatitis B.

Prior to the start of seventh grade, students are also required to be immunized for meningococcal and receive a Tdap booster. Before 12th grade, a second dose of the meningococcal vaccine is required.1

Parents and guardians can find additional information about immunizations required for childcare and school on the Iowa HHS website at

“If you have questions about your child’s immunizations and what’s required, talk with your family healthcare provider or public health. Healthcare providers and public health are there to provide information and help navigate which vaccines are required,” said Darling-Mooney.

Vaccine appointments are available by calling 563-568-5660.

Source: 1. Iowa Code, Chapter 139A.8(6)