Olivia Enyart receives Fashion Revue Award at Iowa 4-H 2024 Awardrobe Clothing Event at Iowa State Fair in Des Moines

Olivia Enyart ...  Submitted photo.
Olivia Enyart ... Submitted photo.

One hundred thirty-one youth from 72 counties participated in the 2024 Awardrobe Clothing Event held at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines Thursday, August 8. This event provides 4-H members in grades 9-12 the opportunity to showcase their apparel design and production knowledge, as well as their creative skills. As a part of the showcasing experience, youth complete a comprehensive report and participate in conference judging. The event concludes with a runway show for all participants.

Olivia Enyart, senior member of the Cherry Valley Chums 4-H Club, represented Allamakee County at the Awardrobe Event at the Iowa State Fair this year with her Fashion Revue outfit. She is the daughter of Brian and Monica Enyart of Postville, and she was selected as one of two recipients of the Fashion Revue Award sponsored by the Central Iowa Chapter American Sewing Guild recognizing her outstanding skills in the fashion revue category at this year’s event.

Gabrielle Kustes served on the youth leadership team for the event. Youth are eligible to participate as a youth leader by winning a clothing project area award, an opportunity offered through State 4-H Recognition Day. Kustes worked throughout the summer to plan the runway show theme, music, decorations, and program.

Bonnie Williams, 4-H educational design and development manager with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, has been organizing the event for the past eight years. “Our planning team and volunteers focus on creating a positive experience for meaningful recognition for our senior-level participants. This event allows our members to showcase their project area knowledge, network with others who share their interests, and an opportunity to win one of two college scholarships,” Williams said.

The event has four categories: Clothing Selection - participants select or purchase an outfit based on their individual wardrobe needs or for a specific occasion; Fashion Revue - the garment is constructed, hand-knitted, machine-knitted or crocheted by the participant; Innovative Design - encourages participants to think creatively and out-of-the-box to exhibit theatrical costumes, cosplay, wearable technology, sustainable/upcycled fashion and/or outfits that use unconventional materials; and the $20 Challenge - the participant purchases an outfit for $20 or less from garage sales, consignment shops or clothing resale stores, emphasizing the concepts of reusing, recycling, reducing and repurposing.

Before the runway show, all participants completed report forms to identify their clothing and fashion goals, the cost per wear of the outfit, the garment’s construction features, how to properly care for the garments, and their future educational and career goals.

State fair participants are nominated for the Awardrobe Clothing Event within their county 4-H program. All exhibitors received participation awards.

For more information on getting involved with the clothing and fashion project area or joining 4-H, contact Marissa Foels at the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Allamakee County office in Waukon by email at foelsm@iastate.edu or by telephone at 563-568-6345, or visit the Iowa 4-H website at www.extension.iastate.edu/4h.