Christmas Fantasy 2024; Make reservations and plan to attend this year’s events

33rd Annual Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation Christmas Fantasy ... The theme of the 33rd annual Veterans Memorial Hospital Health Care Foundation’s Christmas Fantasy is “Gnome for the Holidays!” The Fantasy will be held November 15-18, at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon. Reservations are now being accepted for the popular Saturday night Wine, Cheese and Dessert event, the Monday Christmas Fantasy Luncheon and the new “Brunch with Santa” event Sunday morning. Table decorators for the Saturday night Wine, Cheese and Dessert event, pictured above, are still being accepted. Call 563-568-4177 to make a reservation for any of these events. Submitted photos.

The Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation Christmas Fantasy returns this year with a new event, “Brunch with Santa” Sunday morning. Reservations are being taken now for the Foundation’s 33rd annual event which will be held Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, November 15, 16, 17, and 18, at the Allamakee County Fairgrounds Pavilion in Waukon. The theme is “Gnome for the Holidays!”

Reservations are available for the Saturday evening Wine, Cheese and Dessert event held from 7-9 p.m. Saturday evening, November 16. This year the event will be sponsored by the Eagle’s Landing Winery of Marquette, the Empty Nest Winery of Waukon and Madigan’s Winery of Lansing. They will all be serving a variety of their finest wines and entertainment will be provided that evening.

Table decorators are needed for this event. Decorators agree to decorate a table for four to eight people that they invite in to enjoy the event. Meat, cheese, crackers, cheese spreads, cheese curds and dessert are all furnished throughout the evening, as well as all of the wines.  To reserve a table or to just make a reservation to attend, call 563-568-4177.   

Reservations are also now being taken for the popular Monday Noon luncheon, sponsored by the Allamakee County Cattlemen’s Association, Monday, November 18 at Noon. A full meal will be served plus entertainment will be provided. All guests will have ample time to view all of the displays.

Reservations can be made by calling 563-568-4177. Make note that this year only the Monday luncheon will be held. There will not be an additional luncheon Saturday.

New this year, a “Brunch With Santa” will be held Sunday, November 17. A brunch buffet of eggs, hams, fruit, rolls, etc., will be served from 9 a.m. to Noon and will be sponsored by the Allamakee County Pork Producers. Santa will also be available to visit with children of all ages during this event.

Reservations are being taken now for arrival between 9-9:30 a.m., 10-10:30 a.m. or 11-11:30 a.m.  Call 563-568-4177 to make a reservation. All ages are welcome to attend this event.

This years’ Christmas Fantasy will again have a huge number of decorated trees on display. Many items will also be available on silent auction for a great Christmas shopping opportunity. These items will include centerpieces, a wide variety of gift baskets, beautiful wreaths, swags, chairs, quilts, toys, mini-trees, crafted items, wall hangings and other decorative items.

The Friday evening “Tingle ‘N Mingle” happy hour will be held November 15, from 5-8 p.m. This annual Friday night happy hour event is a special opportunity to meet socially with friends and co-workers after work. Many hot and hearty hors d’oeuvres will be added this year, plus desserts, candies, and spirits will be served among the trees.  Each ticket includes all of the food plus two drink tickets.

Tickets can be purchased now in advance at the main entrance of Veterans Memorial Hospital, the Waukon or Postville Clinics, or at all local banks in Allamakee County. Tickets may also be purchased at the door.

Christmas Fantasy will be open to the public Saturday, November 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Sunday, November 17, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Santa will be available during all of those times for visits with children of all ages and for a photo opportunity.

The Christmas Fantasy will again open up to the public following the luncheon Monday, November 18, from 2-6 p.m. when the silent auction and events come to a close. Make note, the ending time this year is one hour earlier than in past years.

“Gnome for the Holidays” Christmas Fantasy 2024 is planned and sponsored by the Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation.  For more information, call Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation member Erin Berns at 563-568-3411.