

Dolores Dammon to celebrate 90th birthday

Dolores (Strub) Dammon will celebrate her 90th birthday March 23. Cards and well wishes may be sent to 209 McIntosh East, La Crescent, MN 55947.


Open House March 22 to honor Biglers’ anniversary

Roger and Evelyn Bigler of Decorah will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary and Roger’s 80th birthday with an open house Sunday, March 22 from 2-4 p.m at Decorah Lutheran Church, 309 Winnebago Street in Decorah. The event will be hosted by their children, Rhonda Olsgard, Roxanne Johnson and Robert Bigler.


Doris Guese to celebrate 90th birthday

Doris Guese of Postville will celebrate her 90th birthday March 13 with her family. Cards and well wishes may be sent to her at 341 Bethlehem Drive, Postville, IA 52162.


Birth announcement: Wild

Todd and Brianne Wild of Lansing announce the birth of their son, Kasen Richard Wild, March 3, 2015 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. He weighed 7 lbs., 6 ozs. and measured 20-1/2 inches in length at the time of his birth.
Grandparents are Bob and Cheryl Bjerke of Decorah and Richard Wild of Lansing. Great-grandmother is Evelyn Wild of Lansing.


Birth announcement: Kozfkay

Eric and Ashley Kozfkay of East Grand Rapids, MI announce the birth of their son, Everett Edwin Kozfkay, February 20, 2015. He weighed 7 lbs., 2 ozs. and measured 19-1/2 inches in length at the time of his birth.
Grandparents are Don and Dawn Rae Blocker of Waukon and Bob and Linda Kozfkay of Lexington, MI. Great-grandparents are Bill and Fran Byrnes of Waukon, the late Maurice and Jeanne Blocker of Waukon, Irvin Edwin Polega and the late Mary Ann Polega of Caseville, MI and the late Joseph and Eleanor Kozfkay of Ruth, MI.


Birth announcement: Fields

Tommy and Brianna Fields of Garnavillo announce the birth of their son, Wesley Eugene Fields, February 24, 2015 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. He weighed 8 lbs., 3 ozs. and measured 22 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins a brother, Dawson (2-1/2).
Grandparents are William Halverson of McGregor, Melody Moose of McGregor and Loretta Dreier of Garnavillo.


Birth announcement: Blake-Oyloe

Samuel Oyloe and Rachel Blake of Decorah announce the birth of their son, Alec Levi Blake-Oyloe, February 20, 2015 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. He weighed 7 lbs., 10 ozs. and measured 19-1/2 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins a sister, Cameron Marie (6), and a brother, Brody Isaiah (4).
Grandparents are Linda Blake of St. Olaf, Michael Blake of Dorchester and Marc and Lana Oyloe of Decorah. Great-grandmother is Margaret Blake of Dorchester.


Birth announcement: Schnitzler

Cliff and Melissa Schnitzler of Dorchester announce the birth of their son, Trevor Dane Schnitzler, February 23, 2015 at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. He weighed 7 lbs., 4 ozs. and measured 21 inches in length at the time of his birth. He joins a brother, Austyn (12), and two sisters, Leah (6) and Whitney (4).
Grandparents are Paul Troendle of Lansing and Linda and Lindy Schnitzler of Seneca, WI. Great-grandparents are Mona and Ray Shelton of Waukon, Carol Shafer of Lansing and Evelyn Caya of Bagley, WI.


Larsen, Porter to wed June 27

Bruce and Janet Larsen of Lansing announce the engagement of their daughter, Athena Larsen, to Lance Porter, son of Greg and Lisa Porter of Leon. The couple lives in Winterset and plans to exchange vows June 27 in Lansing.
The bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration. She is currently employed as a Constituent Service Specialist with Senator Charles Grassley.
The groom-elect is a graduate of Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in Agronomy. He is currently employed as a Soil Conservationist at the Natural Resource and Conservation Service.


Alberta Troendle to celebrate 98th birthday March 11

Alberta Troendle of Lansing will be celebrating her 98th birthday March 11. In celebration of the occasion, cards and well wishes may be sent to her at 1329 Main Street #315, Lansing, IA 52151. A family celebration was also held Sunday, March 8 with Mass and a potluck meal.
Alberta was married to Joe Troendle for 71 years when he passed away in 2009. They are the parents of 12 children, including John Troendle, Gerald Troendle, Alice Clemments, Elizabeth “Betsy” Shew, Ann Delaney, Monica Monserud, George Troendle, James Troendle, Mary Ann Kelly, Joseph Troendle, Jr., Lucille Hilleshiem, and the late Victor Troendle, who died in infancy. They also have 41 grandchildren, 97 great-grandchildren, and 16 great-great-grandchildren.



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