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First local public forum of the 2016 Legislative session held in Waukon

Saturday, January 16, Iowa House Representatives Patti Ruff (D - District 56) and Darrel Branhagen (R - District 55) held a legislative forum at the Farm Bureau building in Waukon. The duo discussed issues with a crowd of 17 local citizens, fielding questions ranging from school funding and the budget to water quality and last year’s increased gas tax. The audience urged the representatives to focus on water quality, easing school funding restrictions and allowing more local control with that funding, as well as the state budget. Standard Photo Jason Meyer.


Application deadline for 2016 ACCF grants is January 31

The deadline is quickly approaching for 2016 grant funding applications through the Allamakee County Community Foundation (ACCF). The application is completely online and will be available at the Foundation’s website location, Applications are due January 31, by midnight.
Nonprofit organizations can apply for grants from the ACCF for projects or programs that address significant community issues and benefit a broad spectrum of the community. Projects must be in Allamakee County.
The ACCF awards grants in the areas of Health and Human Services; Education; Neighborhoods and Community Development; Environment; Children, Youth, and Families; and Arts and Culture, including historic preservation.
Preference is given to projects that:
• address significant community issues
• present innovative, creative, and practical proposals that build on community strengths


Westin Allen Lange is First Baby of the Year born at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon

First Baby of the Year born at Veterans Memorial Hospital... Pictured are Brian and Sunny Lange of Dorchester holding their newborn son, Westin Allen Lange, the First Baby of the Year, born January 5, at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon. Westin joins two older brothers, Garner and Cael, at home. The family will all enjoy many gifts thanks to the local merchants who helped celebrate the First Baby of the Year born at Veterans Memorial Hospital in 2016. Submitted photo.

Physicians and staff at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon are pleased to announce that the first baby of the new year born at the hospital was Westin Allen Lange, son of Brian and Sunny Lange of Dorchester. Westin Allen was born Tuesday, January 5 at 7:47 a.m., weighing seven pounds, two ounces and was 21 inches long. He joins his big brothers, Garner and Cael, at home. Dr. Benjamin Nesseim was the delivering physician.
Westin's grandparents are Mark and Pat Lange of Freeburg, MN and Jane Benson of La Crosse, WI. His great-grandmother is Vi Lange of Caledonia, MN.
As the first baby of the new year born at Veterans Memorial Hospital, this fortunate child and his family received the following generous gifts compliments of these area merchants:
• $100 cash from Dr. Bruce Carlson, Lansing Dental Clinic
• A free night’s stay in a whirlpool suite from the Stoney Creek Inn
• $20 gift certificate to Cynda’s West Side Café


Local Thanksgiving holiday tradition coming to an end after 22 years

Nearly quarter century tradition coming to an end ... Rich Schulte of Waukon stands next to the stove in the kitchen area of the Knights of Columbus Hall in Waukon, where he has been a part of a local Thanksgiving dinner tradition for the past 22 years. Schulte first assisted Kenneth and Betty Brandt in serving the meal to those who had no other family tradition for the Thanksgiving holiday, and then, along with other family members and friends, took over the event for the past 18 years. The meal served by Schulte and his volunteer entourage this past Thanksgiving is slated to be the last under his control, as he has opted to discontinue spearheading the event and hopes that someone else may assume the reins.

by David M. Johnson


Former Effigy Mounds Superintendent pleads guilty to embezzlement charges

by Jason Meyer

Appearing in U.S. District Court in Cedar Rapids Monday, January 4, Thomas Munson, the former Effigy Mounds National Monument Superintendent accused of removing ancient human remains from the national monument, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor embezzlement and theft of prehistoric human skeletal remains.
As part of his plea deal with the U.S. Attorney's Office, Munson, age 76, of Prairie du Chien, WI, will serve one year probation, including 12 months home detention, 10 consecutive weekends in jail, and 100 hours of community service. Additionally, he must make a written public apology to the Native American tribes impacted by the actions Munson pleaded guilty to, as well as to the National Park Service.
Munson must also pay at least $108,905 in restitution to the National Park Service, the cost of repair and restoration of the mishandled remains. Sentencing will take place at a future date.


Supervisors proclaim January as National Mentoring Month, hear recommendation of five-percent wage increase from Comp Board

January proclaimed National Mentoring Month ... At its regular session Monday, January 11, the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors proclaimed January as National Mentoring Month. Kathy Schwartzhoff, Mentoring Coordinator with Helping Services of Northeast Iowa, which provides mentoring services in the county, stated that currently seven youths in the county are served by the program, with eight waiting to be paired with mentors. Pictured above, left to right, are: Front row - Jennifer Kimber, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, Helping Services; Kathy Schwartzhoff, Mentoring Coordinator, Helping Services; Bob Rotach, Mentor and Steering Committee Member, holding the signed proclamation; Colinne McCann, Youth Mentoring AmeriCorps member, Helping Services; Laura Albert, Tobacco Prevention Specialist, Helping Services. Back row: Dennis Koenig, Allamakee County Supervisor; Dan Byrnes, Allamakee County Supervisor; Danny Schlitter, Steering Committee Member; Carson Eggland, Executive Director, Helping Services; and Larry Schellhammer, Allamakee County Board of Supervisors Chairman. Standard photo by Jason Meyer.

by Jason Meyer


Traffic stop leads to arrest of Wisconsin man on drug and other charges

Wednesday, January 6, the Waukon Police Department conducted a traffic stop with the assistance of the Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office and Allamakee County K-9 unit in Waukon. During the traffic stop, the K-9 did positively indicate on the vehicle, and during a search of the vehicle, crystal methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia were located and seized.
Jon Charles Fanta, age 51, of Viroqua, WI was arrested and charged for possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), possession of drug paraphernalia, and driving while suspended. Law enforcement officials remind that a criminal charge is merely an accusation and defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.


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