

Letter to the Editor: Clarification

To the Editor:
Your “Editor Emeritus,” Dick Schilling, made a serious error in his effort to smear Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders by writing, “Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, which is what the Nazi party in Germany called itself.”
In fact, the Nazis called themselves the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), the National Socialist German Workers Party or National Socialists in English, known as Nazis world-wide.

David Anderson



Letter to the Editor: A taxing issue

To the Editor:
Taxes! How much is enough or too much? It seems that every time we turn around we’re subtly and incrementally taxed a little more. So many of our elected officials and representatives seem addicted and callused to using OPM (Other People’s Money).
To appreciate the great extent of governmental debt is nearly unfathomable.  There’s no place better or more fitting to start acting with conscience and fiscal responsibility than right here at home. Whether it’s balancing our own checkbooks or monitoring our county’s spending, it’s our duty and right as taxpaying citizens to speak up.


Letter to the Editor: Limited options for street improvements

To the Editor:
In his recent letter to the editor, William J. Delaney suggested that street improvement costs, at least for the busier streets, be spread among all property tax payers in the city so that large special assessments against property owners along the improved street could be avoided.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"


Letter to the Editor: Use of gas tax funding

To the Editor:
On 1/14/14, the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors (Schellhammer, Strub and Koenig) voted to support an additional state Road Use Gas Tax Fund increase of 10 cents per gallon (Motion #14.030 in the 1/14/14 Board minutes). In a nutshell, the resolution notes that: 1) this tax has not been significantly increased since 1989, 2) costs for administration, maintenance and improvements to our roads have increased, and 3) current support will not fully cover the future cost increases.
The new gas tax was presented to Iowa consumers in 2015 as a way to help upgrade and maintain our roads and, no matter what individuals may have felt, we adopted a new bill. March 1, 2015 our state began collecting the additional dollars. Allamakee County should expect an additional $600,000-$700,000 annually from this tax.


Letter to the Editor: National Intellectual and Development Disabilities Awareness Month

To the Editor:
March is National Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. People with disabilities are valuable, contributing members of our community who have much to offer and a desire to participate.
People with developmental disabilities have proven to be reliable workers and excellent volunteers, capable of meeting or exceeding expectations and standards. Thanks to organizations like Mosaic, people with disabilities are leading richer, more fulfilling lives.


Letter to the Editor: AmeriCorps Week is March 5-12

To the Editor:
March 5-12, the nation is celebrating AmeriCorps Week. It is a time to acknowledge and commemorate the commitment of AmeriCorps members, to thank community partners, and to recognize the value of the life-changing impact this powerful service offers.
Since 1994, 9,300 Iowa residents have served as AmeriCorps members, totaling 12 million hours of service to their communities. As one of those proud AmeriCorps members, I am writing to share my thanks for this opportunity to be part of this national effort and to emphasize the astonishing influence of AmeriCorps in this area.


Letter to the Editor: The seduction and deception of grants for the Driftless Area Education & Visitor Center

To the Editor:
As I began attending Supervisor meetings with concerns of taxpayer dollars being used to finance the new Conservation Board’s Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center, I began to see the seduction and danger of grants to our community. Grant money or free money - we all like things that are free.
The problem is there are strings attached. The process is arduous and time consuming. New employees need to be hired to continue to write and apply for more grants. Apply for a grant, present your hard work of the dream project, rejection, rewrite the grant. Do you wonder if the grant is what you want or what a government agency wants?


Letter to the Editor: You might be next

To the Editor:
Bobby Kennedy said, “One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time.” However, there are times everyone needs to go against something if it is unfair and unjust. As previously pointed out, the planned paving project on 3rd Avenue SW is on a street used by an average 1,100 vehicles a day. In relation to the population of just Waukon, that’s roughly one out of four citizens, yet the property owners on it are required to pay for 40% of its repairs.
In a culture that strives for fairness and equality, I wonder how a small minority have to pay for something a majority use. How can this be?


Letter to the Editor: Commitment to the majority

To the Editor:
Allamakee County is a special place in Iowa.  Among the strong attributes we can be proud of is our large agricultural industry, our small town businesses and factories, our hometown friendly citizens and, obviously, the diverse array of natural wonders. Mother Nature has been exceptionally good to us up here in this corner of our state.
The sad truth is that we sometimes tend to be unappreciative of, or even aware of, what we have right here in our own back yard. That same scenario can be said of a multitude of people throughout our country.


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