

Letter to the Editor: The doctor did not lose my vote

To the Editor:
February 1 I took part in the Republican caucus that was held in Waukon. We started in the auditorium, where I spoke in support of ex-governor Mike Huckabee. Previously, I had read about Mike’s proposal to end abortion in the January 25, 2016 Gazette, page 9A.
Next, we exited the auditorium and filed down the hall to our precinct rooms. When I got my ballot, I was still considering Mike Huckabee or Ben Carson. I voted and turned in my ballot.
I did not hear the rumor about Ben Carson until the morning of February 2, after the caucus. I was sorry to hear it. Later, I was happy to learn that it was just a rumor. Now I am thankful that I did not hear the rumor before I voted.
Bruce Palmer



And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"


Letter to the Editor: I can't believe it

To the Editor:
How in the world did so many Planned Parenthood factories get constructed throughout the USA and accomplished under the radar of the U.S. people? I would sure like to know exactly how many there are in our country.
I know it’s a pet program of the Democrats, but in order to pass this spending bill it took 100 percent support of Congress Democrats and a few Republicans called RINOs (Republicans in Name Only). I think we should be told the names of the RINOs.
The names of a couple of Planned Parenthoodlums are Dr. Mary Gatter and Dr. Deborah Nucatola, and I think they still have their jobs. Their salary must be pretty lucrative because, according to a video by Center for Medical Progress cited by the Priests for Life organization, Mary Gatter wants to buy and drive a Lamborghini, the most expensive Italian sports car, that costs $200,000 and up.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Letter to the Editor: Head out to the Caucus Monday, February 1

To the Editor:
On Monday, February 1, 2016, participation in the Democratic Party precinct caucuses will provide the best way to be active in forming the party’s platform and agenda, and will be critical in the role Iowa plays in the nomination process for the President of the United States. Coming together with fellow friends and neighbors from all different backgrounds to fight for the values that are important to our communities is what the spirit of the Iowa caucuses is all about.


Letter to the Editor: Help end the 'word gap,' attend family story time

To the Editor:
In the past 20 years, numerous studies have exposed a disappointing truth: by the time children from low-income families reach the age of four, they will have heard 30 million fewer words than their more advantaged peers. This word gap has a profound influence on a child’s ability to succeed in school - and later in life.
Local libraries play an important role in helping to raise awareness of the word gap and reach families of all backgrounds. At Robey, we offer family story time every Tuesday at 10:30 am. Bring your children or grandchildren and find out more about our ongoing literacy programs for kids of all ages. We can work together to build a healthy, sustainable community in one of the most high-impact and cost-effective ways: by investing in our youngest members.

Cate St. Clair
Library Director
Robey Memorial Library


Letter to the Editor: Even more concerned...

To the Editor:
I read both Mr. Mullarkey's and Mr. Quandahl's letters to the editor in The Standard (January 20, 2016). Mr. Mullarkey better think twice who he stands up with, as Quandahl has suggested someone should bomb Planned Parenthood and he should be arrested by the FBI for what he wrote, as he made a terrorist threat, especially in light of what recently happened at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado, where mass murder was committed.
And as for killing and slaughtering babies for body parts, is he really from Earth? It's against the law of the land, Quandahl. I also believe the letter writers don't judge a person by what's in their hearts or their character. If Mr. Mullarkey agrees with Quandahl, he's in the same boat. Just because you have Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you can say anything, right or wrong, that pops into your head.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, Editor Emeritus


Letter to the Editor: Deeply concerned about our country

To the Editor:
I ask myself, “Is this worth my time to be expressing my opinion?” I guess the answer is yes, because here we go again.
I am deeply concerned about the future of our country. From my point of view, the country is nearly bankrupt, money-wise, and for sure morally.
I can’t believe any decent Christian person would support a candidate who really likes the Planned Parenthood program, a place where babies are killed or slaughtered for body parts. I’d like to see Planned Parenthood be given orders to evacuate immediately because we are starting bombing practice in 24 hours, like Putin gave the USA a 24-hour warning before he would bomb in the Middle East.
Also, the VA hospital is a big farce run by a bunch of crooks. They cooked the books for 180 million so they could get a big bonus and nobody has been fired. Give the veterans that qualify a voucher to our local hospital and they will get better care at a big savings to the taxpayer.


Letter to the Editor: Plans to attend the caucus

To the Editor:
Each week when The Standard arrives, I scan the front page headlines and then check the Op/Ed page to see if Ozzie Quandahl or Msgr. Lechtenberg have written anything. Ozzie and Msgr. Ed are always good reads.
Ozzie’s letter in the Jan. 6, 2016 issue was a gem; a refreshing break from the endless, mind numbing prattle the professional politicians bombard us with as we approach the caucus. Ozzie hit the nail squarely on the head with every point. Well done Ozzie!
For several months I have bemoaned the fact that both the Democratic and Republican slates of Presidential candidates were about as capable and appealing as a bucketful of messy diapers. Now I shall attend the caucus on February 1 and I shall stand for Ozzie Quandahl. Join me.

Ray Mullarkey


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