To the Editor:
I read both Mr. Mullarkey's and Mr. Quandahl's letters to the editor in The Standard (January 20, 2016). Mr. Mullarkey better think twice who he stands up with, as Quandahl has suggested someone should bomb Planned Parenthood and he should be arrested by the FBI for what he wrote, as he made a terrorist threat, especially in light of what recently happened at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado, where mass murder was committed.
And as for killing and slaughtering babies for body parts, is he really from Earth? It's against the law of the land, Quandahl. I also believe the letter writers don't judge a person by what's in their hearts or their character. If Mr. Mullarkey agrees with Quandahl, he's in the same boat. Just because you have Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you can say anything, right or wrong, that pops into your head.