To the Editor:
On October 21, 2015 I heard our Vice President, Joe Biden, speak. No truer words were ever spoken - equality, fairness, respect and dignity. I did not hear him say “honesty,” but if these other actions were implemented we would not need to worry about honesty, would we?
Equality, fairness, respect and dignity need to start right at home, with the city, county, state, all the way to our federal government.
We vote for those who should treat all as equals; it should not matter if we are a home owner or a large company. The equality, fairness, respect and dignity should apply to each and every one, so what about the control coming from others - those we did not vote for?
A short time ago, someone told me that they would put their hand on a Bible. There is no meaning on the cover; the meaning is what is in the pages, between the covers. I am not saying I know the Bible, but I do know the meaning of equality, fairness, respect and dignity.