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Letter to the Editor: Looking for real morals in our government

To the Editor:

Mr. Quandahl is living in a world of  wrong facts, according to his latest letter. His president lost the popular vote by almost three million votes, not a landslide victory.

He expects you to trust what he says to be the gospel truth, but let me tell you he is a long way off from the gospel and uses Christians  and Evangelical values and morals as his passport to another world. Whether a man or woman, it’s hard to believe that someone believes that he or she is pure and has morals and is working their way to heaven but still votes for an alleged lifetime sexual  predator, a lifetime liar who is reported to be tied in with Russia and Putin, and who has a cabinet member who reportedly launders money for Russia.

But neither Mr. Quandahl, nor Kristi Hager, nor one-time Republican candidate Lowell Engle will ever mention these facts, which are true. Go ahead and check, but I think you also were duped.


Letter to the Editor: Waukon will not be the same without him

To the Editor:

Following the passing of Dan Otting this past week I have felt moved to write to you to express the sadness felt by a number of people here in the UK (United Kingdom). I have been a close friend of Brother Leo Jones and Mary Anne, Dan and the family since 1983 when I first visited Waukon.

In 2001 I brought a group of high school students to the U.S. from England and part of the itinerary was a two-day visit to Waukon where we stayed with Dan and Mary Anne. For the students, this was by far the most memorable aspect of their whole American experience. The hospitality we received was second to none.

Dan always enjoyed hosting international students and my last visit was for Thanksgiving in 2013 when I came with a student from Beirut and one from Palestine and we shared a wonderful few days in Waukon. They remember the stories that Dan told late into the night about the characters and events over the years in Waukon.


Letter to the Editor: Fake writing

To the Editor:

I would like to thank Mr. Ward for his wonderful fake writing skills as it appears he has obtained his information from the fake news, as he likes to refer to it.

I plan on showing in this letter how Mr. Ward’s letter writing is fake, like the fake news. How to get started? Might as well start with Mr. Trump being accused as a serial sexual abuser, as Mr. Ward claims. Where in heavens did he come up with this accusation? I know; the fake news. I got on the computer and Googled if Donald Trump was a serial sexual abuser, and to my surprise sites started to pop up. Which one to choose? I scrolled down to where it stated, “Trump Civil Child Rape, Sexual Abuse & C. “Filed” SDNY Fed’l CT 1:16-CV-04642 6-20-16.” What a shock! Maybe Mr. Ward was right after all.


What's up at the FSA Office?

by Jeremy Leitz, Allamakee County Executive Director (563) 568-2148

Payment Limitations by Program
The 2014 Farm Bill established a maximum dollar amount for each program that can be received annually, directly or indirectly, by each person or legal entity. Payment limitations vary by program for 2014 through 2018.

Below is an overview of payment limitations by program.

Commodity and Price Support Programs
The annual limitation for the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs, Loan Deficiency Payments (LDPs) and Market Loan Gains is $125,000 each.

Conservation Programs
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) annual rental payment and incentive payment is limited to $50,000. CRP contracts approved before Oct. 1, 2008, may exceed the limitation, subject to payment limitation rules in effect on the date of contract approval.


Northey: Funds available for conservation research and demonstration projects

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today announced the State Soil Conservation Committee Research and Demonstration Fund has assistance available for research, education or demonstration projects focused on reducing nonpoint pollution. Funds are available to collaborative teams of scientists, farmers, institutions, soil and water conservation districts and educators.

Applications must be submitted to the State Soil Conservation Committee by May 19, 2017. A July 1 start date for selected projects is anticipated.

“Projects should be focused on sustaining and improving the environmental quality of our soil and water. We all recognize that we still have a lot to learn about protecting and improving our soils and water, and these funds are targeted towards projects that will improve their sustainability,” Northey said.


Reminder: Grants available to help promote specialty crops

Groups promoting fruits and vegetables, nuts and flowers encouraged to comment on program priorities, consider applying for funds

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today reminded Iowans that the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is accepting applications for grant funding through the Specialty Crop Block Grant program. The grants are available to support projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops grown in Iowa.

The Iowa Specialty Crop Block Grant Program has been allocated $282,032.76 for 2017 from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service that administers the program.


Apply now for Century and Heritage Farms

Eligible farm owners are encouraged to apply for the 2017 Century and Heritage Farm Program. Applications are available on the Department’s website at or may also be requested from Becky Lorenz, Coordinator of the Century and Heritage Farm Program via phone at 515-281-3645 or by email at The ceremony to recognize the 2017 Century and Heritage Farms is scheduled to be held at the Iowa State Fair Thursday, August 17 in the Pioneer Livestock Pavilion.


St. Patrick's Day Parade, other festive events taking place this Sunday, March 19 in Waukon

The annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Waukon has been scheduled for Sunday, March 19 and will begin at 1 p.m. with many of the same festivities taking place as in years past throughout the community.

The parade route will be the same as in past years, beginning from the southeast edge of town and heading up Rossville Road and Spring Avenue to the stoplight intersection with Main Street. Turning left on to West Main Street, the parade will venture up to Second Street SW, where the entries will turn left at the Post Office intersection, travel one block south to First Avenue SW, and then east back to Spring Avenue, turning right at Kwik Star to head back south to its point of origin.


Representative Hager, Senator Breitbach to hold legislative forum for the public in Waukon Saturday

Iowa House District 56 Representative Kristi Hager and Iowa District 28 Senator Michael Breitbach will be holding a public legislative forum in Waukon this Saturday, March 18. Representative Hager and Senator Breitbach will be at the Allamakee County Farm Bureau building, located at 14 First Avenue NE in Waukon, beginning at 11:15 a.m., and will discuss legislative issues and field questions from members of the public who are in attendance.


Supervisors approve compensation increase for all but themselves; no change in tax levies

by Joe Moses

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, March 13 to address a full agenda of items, including the Public Hearing for the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Allamakee County budget, the approval of compensation increases for elected officials and approval of County support for libraries.

There were no comments heard or read during the Public Comments portion of the meeting. The Public Hearing for the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Allamakee County Budget was opened. There were no written or verbal comments from the public. Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer provided an overview of the budget before the hearing was closed.

A two percent compensation increase for elected officials, a zero percent compensation increase for the Board of Supervisors and a two percent salary/wage increase for other department heads and non-union employees were all approved by the Board.


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