Defending our reputation

To the Editor:

As professionals in the Waukon community, we would like to share some factual information regarding our property in response to Russ Martin’s letter to the editor (The Standard - April 13, 2016) and other various, false statements made about us publicly. We purchased our home in Waukon approximately two-and-a-half years ago excited about the large lot with a private driveway making it a good location to raise a family. Our future plans included adding on to the house and doing some landscaping.

We knew there was no legal easement on the property, based on our title opinion, when we bought the home. We wanted to have legal record of an easement for Russ Martin’s parents, who were using the private driveway. We initially offered a free 30-feet x 100-feet easement, sent to our neighbors by our attorney, which allowed them to use our private driveway so they could access the primary driveway to their home. We willingly made this offer knowing that Russ Martin’s parents were not land-locked by us, as the neighbor to the south owns 10 feet of property which was land-locking both of our properties. Our initial offer was rejected by Russ Martin’s parents, so we proceeded to offer them two additional easement proposals, which were also rejected.

Even though giving up this portion of land would lessen the value of our property, we wanted to remain professional and civil by making sure our neighbors had access to their home. In turn, we were sued by Russ Martin’s parents, who were seeking to claim the private driveway and part of our front yard. Russ Martin’s parents also sued our neighbors to the south. After a two-year process, the courts have ruled against Russ Martin’s parents and the City Council has respectfully voted against intervening with this issue; yet, the Martins still refuse to recognize the law and the court’s decision.

Respectfully submitted,

Joey and Peyton Lapel