Letter to the Editor: There will be another election

To the Editor:

The election is over and I cannot express my sad feelings for our country. We will see much higher gas prices, higher electric bills, more criminals and gangsters crossing our borders. Law and order will be absent and not respected, and the military will suffer.

Public schools will produce poor citizens, Planned Parenthood will take the lives of millions of babies and you, the taxpayer, will give them 500 million dollars, that is half a billion. We won’t get term limits or a balanced budget, Christianity will be despised, our flag and famous statues will not be respected, we will not get English only in our schools. This list could go on and on.

This is a sad story, and scary, but there will be another election and there are 75,000,000 people ready to work and vote Trump. Amen.

Here is an excerpt from a book I have read by Tom Haggia, a pastor from North Carolina who was a former CEO of IGA that I met when we had the grocery store in town. The book is called “New Every Day”.

John Doe makes America great! No, he won’t appear on any “most admired” list. He represents the average Americans, the hard-working men and women who are the backbone of our country. The average folks who love their families, are good neighbors, respect the law, work hard at their jobs, pay their bills and pay their taxes. Not the headline-grabbers, just ordinary people, often overlooked and usually taken for granted.

We have built a society of misfits who demand that perversion be accepted - chronic criminals are given light sentences and early paroles, drug addicts are given wrist-slaps while the pushers go undetected, drifters are financed by welfare, the dependent live off the workers.

And what of our average Americans? They could feel penalized for working hard and just say, “What’s the use?” Instead, they are faithful to their jobs, even if bored at times. They work hard, not to please an employer, but to satisfy their integrity. They start out to do something and they accomplish it. They have compassion for their neighbor’s failings, but won’t allow their values to be compromised to make him look good. They help the weak by setting an example of strength.

God bless you, the average American. You might have enjoyed an extra hour of sleep, but didn’t; you might want to quit, but won’t. You are what makes America great.

Kindest regards and God Bless,
Osmund (Ozzie) Quandahl

P.S. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the Allamakee Republicans for voting for Trump - 6,000 for Trump and 4,000 for Biden. I’m also very saddened to learn of Rush Limbaugh passing. I want to thank Bill Regan, Sr. for guiding me to Rush.