C.H.A.D.: Children Have An iDentity car seat labels available at VMH and clinics

The “C.H.A.D.” labels, pictured with this article, are available for labeling of infant and child car seats. These complimentary labels can be found at the front desk of Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH), the Waukon Clinic and the Postville Clinic, for anyone to take to label their car seats.

This safety seat identification program was developed as a result of a traffic crash involving a 13-month-old-boy named Chad. The babysitter who was driving in this accident was killed. Chad was injured, but no one at the scene could identify him.

So, to ensure rapid identification of a child in the case of an emergency such as described above, the Travelers Protective Association is encouraging all infant and child car seats to be identified with one of these labels.

Feel free to drop by the front entrance of VMH anytime between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, to pick up one of these complimentary labels. They are also available at the registration desks of both the Waukon Clinic and Postville Clinic, Monday through Friday, during normal clinic hours.