First Presbyterian Church members donate blankets to help patients and those in need ...

Many members of the First Presbyterian Church are pictured above and below on one of their many workdays, tying blankets to be donated to patients at Veterans Memorial Hospital and elsewhere. These ladies work on quilting and other service projects at their homes, then come together monthly to complete their work and plan for the deliveries of these service projects. Patients of all ages at Veterans Memorial Hospital enjoy the blankets as well as care facilities, the Allamakee County Relief Office, Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC), TASC, Abused Women division of Helping Services; the Veterans Affairs (VA) Hospital in Iowa City, a homeless shelter in Des Moines, and local fire, sheriff and police departments. Sue Schlitter and Dorothy Van Ruler, Project Coordinators, state, “We have been meeting for over 10 years, sharing our projects, sharing our stories and just enjoying one another’s company over coffee. We even go out for lunch together following. Most importantly, we brainstorm ideas where our service can be put to the best use, which often includes sharing our projects with missions all over the Midwest.” Submitted photos.