

Read Across Iowa celebrations at New Albin Elementary ...

Read Across Iowa launched March 1 and began a month-long celebration to bring the joys of reading to kids of all ages. Agriculturally-themed Read Across Iowa classroom visits happened at New Albin Elementary School and across the state and featured books and materials about agriculture that will appeal to all readers.

Becky Rea, K-12 Program Coordinator from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Allamakee County visited Pre-K through second grade classes at New Albin Elementary School. “Sylvia’s Spinach” or “Right This Very Minute” were read aloud to each class. Classes sampled either a yogurt parfait or salad kabob featuring spinach (far left photo). Pre-K and Kindergarten made plant part flowers (middle photo). First and second grade planted spinach seeds (far right photo). “When you read with children, you are making an investment,” said Rea. “Early reading and talking with children gives them a strong start and a life-long return.”


Audit report released on Eastern Allamakee Community School District for year ended June 30, 2021

Kay L. Chapman, CPA PC of Muscatine recently released an audit report on the Eastern Allamakee Community School District in Lansing. A copy of the audit report is available for review in the District Secretary’s Office, in the Office of Auditor of State and on the Auditor of State’s web site at

The District’s revenues totaled $6,001,009 for the year ended June 30, 2021, a seven-percent increase from the prior year. Expenses for District operations totaled $5,531,906, a six-percent increase from the prior year. Program revenues increased. The increase in expenses is primarily related to instruction expenses.


Waukon High School Drama Department to present a “whodunit?” thriller on stage this weekend for its spring production

Waukon High School to present “A Nice Little Island: A Thriller” on stage this weekend ... The Waukon High School Drama Department will be presenting “A Nice Little Island: A Thriller” as its spring play production this weekend at the Waukon High School auditorium. Pictured above during a performance rehearsal, left to right, are Waukon High School seniors Abby Wiemerslage and Madelyn Helgerson, who play the roles of Shelly and Libby, respectively, in this year’s production. Performances dates and times include this Friday and Saturday, April 8 and 9, beginning at 7:30 p.m. each evening, with tickets available for purchase at the door the evening of each performance. Submitted photo.

For those who like scary movies or the thrill of suspense, the Waukon High School Drama Department is stepping outside the norm of mystery/comedy to present “A Nice Little Island: A Thriller” for this year’s spring play production. The curtain will open on the show this Friday, April 8 and Saturday, April 9, both at 7:30 p.m. at the Waukon High School auditorium.

The cast and crew this year bring many new faces to the theater and they add a new perspective to the stage.  The cast list is as follows:


Midwest Veterans of America hosting essay contest for high school students; Enter by May 1

Midwest Veterans of America is hosting an essay contest for high school students, freshmen through seniors, with cash prizes awarded to top entries. The theme of the essay is “My American Veteran Hero” and entries are due by May 1.

According to Midwest Veterans of America leadership, all essays must be typed in English with no color or graphics, and contestants can not identify themselves within the essay content. Essays must be the contest entrants’ own work; copied or plagiarized essay content will not be entered into the contest. All essays become the property of the Midwest Veterans of America.

Essays will be judged on how well the entrant understands, develops and presents the theme, which should be a positive representation of the veteran hero being written about. Entries should demonstrate research has been conducted about the hero and the author’s experience with them.


Apply by April 29 for scholarships available through NEICAC office

Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC) has announced the availability of NEICAC Scholarships supported solely by employees and friends of Community Action.

The application and criteria for eligibility are available through the County Family Service Offices or the Administrative Office in Decorah (563-382-8436), online at, or at high school guidance counselors’ offices. Applications must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 29 to be considered.


Kee High School to present “Little Shop of Horrors” on stage this weekend ...

Kee High School will be presenting the musical “Little Shop of Horrors” (Music Theatre International production: Book and lyrics by Howard Ashman and music by Alan Menken) this Saturday, April 2 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, April 3 at 2 p.m. in the Kee High School gymnasium. Admission will be taken at the door. This production is not like any type of production performed previously at Kee High School as it is not only a little on the creepy side but it also entails the use of hand puppets and life-size puppets; specifically, a large plant that needs human blood to grow. Imagine the dilemma of a young man who lives in Skid Row where the only thing that will gain him wealth, fame and the woman he loves is by succumbing to the demands of a talking, blood thirsting plant with its own initiative. The special effects and music are what will make this production one to remember.


Learning and sharing through 21st Century Grant programs ...

Students taking part in the 21st Century Grant programs in the Allamakee Community School District have been busy learning and sharing through some recent activities. Pictured above, Waukon Middle School students participating in the 21st Century Grant program made lap quilts for residents of Good Samaritan Society and Northgate Care Center in Waukon. Many of the students have not been able to visit family and it was important for them to reach out and show they cared through the project they called “Quilts because we care”.


EACSD Board of Directors approves employee contracts, distribution of funds for staff retention

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

The Board of Directors of the Eastern Allamakee Community School District (EACSD) met at the Kee High School ICN Room in Lansing Monday, March 21. Board member Kelli Mudderman was not present.

After the approval of the agenda, the public hearing on the 2022-2023 budget was opened. No one from the public offered comment. Later in the business meeting, the board unanimously approved the budget.

The board approved the March consent items, including minutes of the February meeting, bills for March, Student Activity and Food Service February Reports. The board meeting for April 18 was scheduled to be held at the Kee Connect location.


Waukon FBLA Chapter reflects on successful year thus far as members prepare for State Leadership Conference

Waukon High School 2021-2022 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter ...
Waukon High School 2021-2022 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter ...
Waukon High School FBLA District Leadership Conference award winners ...
Waukon High School FBLA District Leadership Conference award winners ... Pictured above are Waukon High School FBLA Chapter members who won awards at the FBLA District Leadership Conference held January 29 and will now advance on to competition at the State Leadership Conference March 31-April 2 in Coralville. Left to right - Front row: Mady Helgerson, Annie Ellingson, Mari Delaney, Keeran Barr, Maggie Criswell, Jayden Knox, Lynsey Houg, Olivia Bossom, Reese McCormick, Hailey Houg; Back row: Riley Palmer, Ryan Kolsrud, Olivia Dougherty, Halea Corwin, Caleb Perkins, Ava Bossom, Madi Kurth, Tanner Marting, Brenna Berns, Hannah Teslow. Not pictured: Ava Hooten and Taylor Kiel. Submitted photo.

Waukon’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter has been very busy this school year.  As chapter members prepare for their upcoming trip to the State Leadership Conference in Coralville March 31-April 2, FBLA students celebrated National Career & Technical Education Month in February with FBLA Week festivities and reflect on all of the achievements this school year.

Waukon FBLA students kicked off the year with its annual FBLA haunted park, selling over 800 admission tickets. Students hosted their rooms and ensured that all visitors had a fun and frightening night, utilizing teamwork to put together a great event that brought students together.

FBLA students also had many opportunities to give back to the community. Opportunities such as a can drive competition and volunteering to rake leaves through town proved to be a fun and productive experience for FBLA students to lend a helping hand in their community.


ACSD Board of Directors approves numerous personnel items at pair of March meetings, public hearing for 2022-2023 budget scheduled

by Brianne Eilers

The Allamakee Community School District (ACSD) Board of Directors met in a pair of recent meetings during the month of March. Coverage of both meetings appears below.

The Allamakee Community School District board members met for a special meeting Friday, March 11. Under personnel matters, the board approved the following hiring recommendations: Shaylie Hammel as Middle School Geography/U.S. History Teacher; Jaydon Snitker as Middle School English Language Arts Teacher; Kris Rausch as Third Grade Teacher; Shaylie Hammel as High School Speech Advisor; Casey Walsh as Substitute Bus Driver; and Morgan Renfer as Elementary Special Education Teacher.


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