

Diabetes Support Group to meet Thursday, May 19

The Veterans Memorial Hospital Diabetes Support Group will hold its next meeting Thursday, May 19 at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held at Veterans Memorial Hospital in the Large Conference Room, located on the lower level of the hospital. Masks will be required to be worn.

This diabetes class is open to everyone who has diabetes or has a friend or loved one with diabetes.  For more information on the Diabetes Support Group, call  Angie Mettille, RN, at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 563-568-3411.


Grief Support Group to meet at Veterans Memorial Hospital May 10

The local Grief Support Group will be holding its monthly meeting at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon Tuesday, May 10, at 5 p.m. in the Meditation Healing Center, located just inside the main entrance of the hospital. Masks will be required. This informal meeting is open to anyone suffering from any type of loss, whether it be due to death, divorce, illness or some other grief.

Feel free to attend and bring a friend, and be sure to wear a mask. All attendees will be able to physically distance during the meeting.  This grief support meets the second Tuesday of each month at Veterans Memorial Hospital.


Blood Donor Day set for May 5

One in seven people entering the hospital will need blood. Veterans Memorial Hospital invites the community to attend the next LifeServe Blood Center Blood Drive to be held Thursday, May 5, from 12-5 p.m., at the First Baptist Church in south Waukon. Blood drives are held once per month in Waukon. The LifeServe Blood Center supplies Veterans Memorial Hospital with blood and blood products.

The LifeServe Blood Center is seeking donors to ensure a safe and plentiful blood supply in Iowa. Because there is no substitute for human blood, the need for donors is continuous.

Over half of the United States population is eligible to donate blood, yet less than four percent donate on a regular basis. A single donation of blood can be used to save up to three lives and help in treatment of cancer patients, accident victims, hemophiliacs and surgery patients. The LifeServe Blood Center is committed to serving the needs of Iowans by saving lives through volunteer blood donation.


April 24-30 is National Medical Laboratory Week: The medical laboratory and the science of exceptional care

VMH Laboratory Department’s Chemistry Analyzer ... April 24-30 is National Medical Laboratory Week. Pictured, front to back, by the Chemistry Analyzer are the following members of the hospital’s laboratory department: Supervisor Caty Bruening, Mary Jo Meyer, Erica Mannette, Jenna Collins and Marie Loven. This analyzer runs over 40 different chemistry tests, from A1c to Vitamin D. The role of the lab tech is to perform periodic maintenance on the instrument, add the proper reagents for each test, calibrate each test and load samples onto the analyzer. When results are printed, the lab tech reviews them and compares them with the patient’s clinical picture to ensure accuracy. Submitted photo.

National Medical Laboratory Week April 24-30 ... Transfusion Medicine or Blood Banking is a very important role of the Laboratory staff. A blood transfusion is a life-saving procedure and there are many specific tests that must be done before the proper blood product is given. Pictured, left to right, by the blood bank machine at Veterans Memorial Hospital are Donna Wood, Robin Gray, Kelsey Weymiller and Michelle Benda. Submitted photo.

by Caty Bruening, MT, Laboratory Supervisor

In most people’s opinion, having blood drawn is not the highlight of a doctor’s appointment, emergency room (ER) visit, or hospitalization; yet, lab results from these blood samples play a considerable role in the diagnosis and care plan of a patient’s health. It is said that 70% of a patient’s medical record is composed of lab results.

The laboratory technicians at Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) in Waukon consider themselves fortunate to collect blood, so that they can have that connection with patients that larger hospital laboratorians don’t experience. The lab staff at VMH ensure each blood draw is performed with care, comfort and quality in mind. However, the blood draw is only a small part in the series of the care given by a lab tech.


“Family Wellness Fair” returns at Veterans Memorial Hospital for first time in three years

Family Wellness Fair May 11 ... The annual “Family Wellness Fair” will finally return after three years and be held at Veterans Memorial Hospital and Clinics in Waukon Wednesday, May 11, from 3:30-6 p.m. Everyone attending the fair is asked to enter through the Medical Clinic main entrance then proceed through the event, exiting at the hospital main entrance. Parking will be available at both the clinic and hospital main entrance parking lots. Free health testing, information and exhibits will be offered for families of all ages. Submitted photo.

The Veterans Memorial Hospital’s “Family Wellness Fair” will finally return after three years and be held Wednesday, May 11, from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Free health testing, exhibits and interactive activities will all be providing a complete evening of entertainment and education for families of all ages.

All those attending the fair are asked to enter through the new Veterans Memorial Hospital Medical Clinic entrance, then proceed through the various booths and displays, and exit the event at the main hospital entrance. Everyone will also be asked to wear a mask. Extra masks will be available at the main entrance, if needed.

This would be the 25th annual event sponsored by Veterans Memorial Hospital and will include many attractions for all ages. Everyone in the area communities is welcome to attend this free event.


April is National Occupational Therapy Month; Gardening tips

Occupational Therapy Month ... April is National Occupational Therapy Month. Tami Gebel, Occupational Therapist at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon, is pictured above with outpatient Kari Kelly of Waukon. One of the roles of an occupational therapist is to develop strategies, compensations or modifications so that people are not hindered by their aches, pains or physical limitations in order to participate in their favorite activities, such as gardening. Submitted photo.

by Tami Gebel, Occupational Therapist, Veterans Memorial Hospital

Springtime has finally arrived, and many people will be anxious to be out in the yard planting their gardens. Gardening can be a very rewarding hobby or pastime, even therapeutic to the mind and soul. However, when the physical tasks become too painful or difficult, many people find that having a garden is more of a chore.

Occupational therapists work daily with people to ensure that no matter the physical limitations, disabilities, disease, or injury that those people have, they can still participate in the activities that they love and enjoy. One of the roles of an occupational therapist is to develop strategies, compensations, or modifications so that people are not hindered by their aches, pains, or physical limitations in order to participate in their favorite activities.

Here are some tips to help make gardening less of a chore:


Additional COVID-19 booster available at Wednesday Immunization Clinics; Be sure to make an appointment

Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care/Allamakee County Public Health will be offering all doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, plus the additional booster dose, at their weekly immunization clinics each Wednesday throughout the month of April. These vaccinations are by appointment only and are held each Wednesday afternoon, with extended hours available the first and third Wednesdays of each month.

These vaccinations will be available at the main entrance of the hospital in the Meditation Healing Center. To make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination in April and beyond, call Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care at 563-568-5660.


Julie Christensen Memorial Blood Drive is this Friday

Thanks once again to the efforts of the Christensen family, the second annual Julie Christensen Memorial Blood Drive will be held this Friday, April 29 at the Waukon Wellness Center from 1-5:30 p.m. in the Senior Center in cooperation with Life Serve Blood Center.

Julie Christensen was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia November 27, 2019 and was in the hospital until February 14, 2020. She was then able to come home for a short while before she was admitted back into the hospital March 7, 2020 for more chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant from an anonymous donor in Germany. It was a perfect match. Julie’s stem cells grafted well and she became Leukemia free. During this time, Julie received 45 units of blood and 38 units of platelets.


Domestic Abuse Survivor Chat Line available

Helping Services for Youth & Families’ Domestic Abuse Resource Center has implemented a Domestic Abuse survivor chat line, which can be reached at There is also the option to call a 24/7 resource phone line at 800-383-2988, but during social distancing Helping Services advocates noticed a decline in calls.

The agency responded by implementing a secure chat option for anyone in need of reaching a local advocate. Whether chatting or calling, a trained Advocate will respond 24 hours a day.

Helping Services’ Domestic Abuse Advocates work alongside survivors to achieve their best outcome. All services provided are at no cost and are confidential.

For more information about Helping Services’ Domestic Abuse Resource Center call 800-383-2988 or chat with someone at


April is National Occupational Therapy Month: How to stay independent and safe in your home

Occupational Therapy Month ... April is National Occupational Therapy Month. During this month of celebration, the occupational therapists at Veterans Memorial Hospital want to remind community members of ways to stay safe and independent in their own homes and most importantly, how to prevent falls. Pictured above is Occupational Therapist, Tami Gebel, with former patient, Pat Pettingill of Waukon. Many patients, like Pat, utilize therapy to gain strength after a fall and to remain safe at home. See the adjacent article for suggestions on how to prevent falls at home. Submitted photo.

by Tami Gebel, Occupational Therapist, Veterans Memorial Hospital

April is National Occupational Therapy Month.  During this month of celebration, the occupational therapists at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon want to remind community members of ways to stay safe and independent in their own homes and most importantly, how to prevent falls.

Occupational therapists who work in hospitals often are referred to assist people who have fallen at home. A fall at home could result in fractured arms or legs, not to mention multiple bruises and tarnished pride. Often, many of these falls could have been prevented, had precautionary steps been taken to make their homes safe and clutter free.


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