River Valley


Lansing City Council approves stricter penalties for the illegal usage of City dump, advised of hydrant flushing Wednesday

by Macie Hill

The regular meeting of the Lansing City Council was held Monday, October 2. Discussion centered around a new historical podium being placed within the city, a building permit request, updated fines for illegal disposal at the city dump, the possibility of slightly rusty water and decreased water pressure Wednesday, October 4, a new city police officer position opening, and City Parks board positions being filled.

There will be a new historical podium in honor of Bill Betsinger put in place on North Front Street, just south of the marina. There has been a building permit request made for construction at 390 Dodge Street. The motion was made and seconded to approve the request.


New pastor at Lansing United Methodist Church answers call to serve he received in a dream

Family of new pastor at Lansing United Methodist Church ... Left to right - Front row: Rebecca and Davinia. Back row: Mado, Marcellina and Pastor Sedar Wembonyama. Photo by Susan Cantine-Maxson.

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

Lansing’s United Methodist Church recently welcomed a new minister and his family to their parish. Pastor Sedar Wembonyama and his family bring a new dimension to worship to the congregation because they have spent most of their life in the Congo in Africa.

Marcellina, the pastor’s wife, currently drives to Postville to work but would love to find something closer to home. The three daughters, Mado, Rebecca and Davinia all attend Eastern Allamakee schools.

Four years ago, they immigrated to the United States to Nashua, where they stayed with a friend who was a minister. For the first time, they experienced snow and Iowa winters. Marcellina liked snow but not driving in it, and the girls enjoyed playing in it.


Lansing Lions Club Playground Project nearing completion, finishing touches yet to be added before playground opens ...

The Lansing Lions Club Playground Project took a giant step forward this past weekend as more than 35 volunteers assisted with the installation of the facsimile of a Mississippi River Steamboat playground structure (pictured in progress below). The balance of the equipment is expected to arrive this Friday morning and by noon this Saturday the equipment, itself, should be installed. Further completion activity will include the need to place the 12-inch layer of wood chip base, benches, bicycle rack, sidewalks and a base for the handicap accessible picnic table under the playground shelter, and then the playground will reopen. Residents and visitors are asked to be patient and not cross the orange barrier fencing around the project which is in place for protection until the installation is complete.


Lansing is branching out with new trees from Trees Forever and Alliant Energy

Volunteers and community leaders are taking an active role in saving energy and adding beauty to Lansing by planting new trees. The local effort is part of the Branching Out program offered by Trees Forever and Alliant Energy.

"We're looking forward to working with tree experts at Trees Forever and the energy experts at Alliant Energy to make our community healthier, more vibrant and more energy efficient," said local project volunteer Stephanie Runkle.

Planting trees can reduce energy use by creating shade that cools the air and buildings, and by blocking cold winds. Trees also provide long-term health, economic, social and environmental benefits to the community.


Presentation on Teen Technology Use and Misuse has been set for September 25

Dr. Justin Patchin ...
Dr. Justin Patchin ...

Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D., professor of criminal justice at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center, will be conducting a presentation on cyberbullying Monday, September 25 at the New Albin Community Center, beginning at 7 p.m.

Entitlted "Teen Technology Use and Misuse," Dr. Patchin's presentation will cover a broad overview of cyberbullying, including issues parents, educators, and teens need to know about how youth use and misuse technology to cause harm to their peers. The presentation will define and provide examples of cyberbullying and discuss the role of parents in preventing and responding to inappropriate online behaviors.  It will also describe many of the online environments popular among adolescents today and strategies to use to make sure they are used safely and responsibly.


Lansing Lions Club seeks volunteers to help build playground this weekend

Volunteers are still needed to assist in the construction of the “Ship of Our Dreams” Playground equipment September 21, 22 or 23 at Lansing’s city park just south of the ball diamond. The Lansing Lions Club is seeking people who can do light lifting, and who can use wrenches, drills and shovels, especially from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. until finished Saturday, hopefully by noon.

If readers want to volunteer to help during any of that time, they are asked to contact Dan at the Lansing City Hall (563-538-4757) or Arlen Wonderlich (515-708-2279). Those volunteering are asked to mention the day and time they can assist, their email and phone contact information.


Benefit event Sunday for De Soto High School senior

July 16 of this year, Alex Hobbs of De Soto, WI was admitted to Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI after collapsing at his home. Hobbs was scheduled to begin his senior year at De Soto High School this fall.

Scans showed brain hemorrhaging and emergency surgery was performed to stop the bleeding. An angiogram was preformed to locate the problem, and the diagnosis was Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM).

Another surgical procedure was performed to cut off blood flow to the problem areas, and another angiogram will need to be performed to ensure the AVM vessels are not an issue. Hobbs' family says he takes daily steps to recovering his mobility with the assistance of his physical therapists, parents, siblings, family and friends.


Lansing City Council appoints Conrad Rosendahl as Police Chief, does not pass newly-proposed ATV Ordinance

by Macie Hill

The Lansing City Council meeting was held Monday, September 18, with just enough council members in attendance to be able to hold a meeting due to other scheduling conflicts. Discussion included a South Road bridge update, a decision on a new city police chief, and the City’s ATV ordinance.

The project engineer from the South Road bridge project gave an update at the meeting and noted that the bridge should be ready to open around mid-October or possibly later in the month. The council agreed to make Conrad Rosendahl the new permanent police chief for the City of Lansing, a position he has held on an interim basis recently with the health ailments of previous police chief Ed Stahl.

The third and final reading of the new ATV ordinance for the city was also held at Monday’s meeting. Following that final reading there was a motion made to approve the ordinance, but it did not pass, leaving the issue to be revisited once again.


Friends of Pool 9 receives $2,500 grant ...

At the August 7 Friends of Pool 9 (FOP9) Board meeting, Deb Sullivan presented FOP9 with a check for $2,500 from the Norwex Company.  At a recent company convention, Sullivan was informed of grants available to non-profits for being involved in projects to clean the environment.  She was aware of the thousands of pounds of debris Friends of Pool 9 volunteers have removed from the Mississippi River annually and decided to apply for the grant. Thanks to the efforts of Deb Sullivan and the Norwex Company, the expenses for the 2018 river clean-up on the Mississippi River are already paid for. FOP9 appreciates the hundreds of volunteers that give their time and efforts to keep the Mississippi River environment a clean and safe place, making Pool 9 one of the best pools on the Upper Mississippi River. The next Pool 9 river clean-up is scheduled for the last Saturday in April.


Lansing City Council approves second reading of ATV ordinance, discusses street light infrastructure and grant funding proposals by police department

by Macie Hill

The Lansing City Council meeting was held Wednesday, September 6, delayed initially a day from its usual Monday evening date due to the Labor Day holiday Monday, September 4, but then delayed to Wednesday due to a quorum of council members not being available for Tuesday's meeting date.

Discussion circled around a new sidewalk being put in on North Third Street, street light infrastructure information, the second reading of the City's ATV ordinance, and the police department seeking to get speed radars placed throughout the city.

It has been reported that rain water has been overflowing the sidewalk and running into houses on North Third Street. To fix this problem, the City will be replacing approximately sixty feet of sidewalk on that street in an effort to prevent the problem from happening again.


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