

Letter to the Editor: Passover, not Easter

To the Editor:
Passover and Easter are just a few weeks away. Easter will be celebrated first, Sunday, March 27, and Passover most of a month later, April 22. Easter is always a Sunday, Passover every year is always on a different day.
Passover, which the churches call Easter, for the most part is a remembrance of our Savior, Yahshua’s murder, which was accomplished by nailing him to a cross. A spike in each of his wrists, which at that time was considered a part of the hand, and one through both feet, one foot on top of the other.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"


Letter to the Editor: To the City Council concerning Third Avenue SW

To the Editor:
The City Council may not want to admit this, but Third Avenue SW is a through street! It is as much of a through street as the street going around the golf course. The purpose is to keep trucks, semis and farm equipment from going through downtown. That is what Third Avenue is now!
I was told that the City will keep that type of traffic off Third Avenue when the new street is completed. How? That did not happen when the street was paved in the 1970s and the residents complained then and are still complaining.
The City has not made homeowners remove junk from their yards, repair cracked sidewalks and shovel snow from their sidewalks. Are these ordinances? If so, why are they not enforced? Again, I ask how will the City enforce keeping these types of vehicles off Third Avenue?


Letter to the Editor: What we must do to get our country back

To the Editor:
I guess we will all agree that our country is in very bad shape, near financial bankruptcy and for sure morally bankrupt. We need our next president and his people to be true Christian. It’s an almost impossible job, but it can be done with the right leadership.
What our Congress has done - both sides of the aisle - is terrible. In overseas countries they would be arrested, imprisoned and sometimes executed.
Here is a list of things that must be done to get our country back:


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"


Letter to the Editor: Changes in food consumption vs. diabetes incidence

To the Editor:
The following information is from the January 29, 2016 issue of the Wall Street Journal, p. A11.
Something to think about:
Let’s look at … “a 2008 report by the Agriculture Department that estimated changes in food consumption from 1970-2005:
Grains rose by 41%.
Vegetable Oils by 91%.
Fish and shellfish by 37%.
Vegetables by 23%.
Fruits by 13%.”
“Eggs and red meat each fell by 17%.
And whole milk by 73%.
Yet during roughly the same period, the incidence of diabetes doubled.”
Now, what would a logical person deduce from these statistics?

Bob Moline,
Genoa, WI



Letter to the Editor: The world is a pretty nice place after all

To the Editor:
Hello everyone in newspaper land! I have been impressed by some very nice happenings lately and wanted to let everyone know how much my family and I appreciate them.
A couple months ago I was making a habit out of asking everyone about their Christmas plans. In one instance we were talking about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, which I lamented that I had missed as I was at work the night it was on TV. Shortly thereafter, a DVD copy was hand delivered to our front door! It was a big hit and has been watched 10-15 times at this point.
On a number of occasions both this year and in years previous we have had the pleasure of getting a foot or more of snow. Our neighbors in both directions are in the habit of blowing the snow all the way to the end of the block before turning around.  This clears two sidewalks worth of snow and saves me a lot of time when I get home from work and start blowing the snow.


Letter to the Editor: Coming “home”

To the Editor:
August 1, 2015 I came home. It was two days after my first chemo treatment. I would have really appreciated it if the moving crew that showed up unexpectedly had just left me lying in my misery.
Several miles to the east of Waukon, we were headed to our “new” older house in the community of Lansing. Although I was weak and overwhelmed, the move seemed like it went well enough with my husband and daughter at the helm. The truth is, as much as I have always loved the town of Lansing, I didn’t even want to be alive at that point, let alone setting up another household.
Then it happened. Lansing’s basketful of welcome started arriving at the door, despite our dachshund tinkling on their shoes. The welcoming has been going on ever since, and the wiener dog has quit tinkling on their shoes.


Letter to the Editor: What have we become?

To the Editor:
I have been following very closely what is happening in the current campaign for the White House. I am appalled that our president and two of the candidates for the office from that same party have been calling for class warfare, class envy and for redistribution of wealth. And there appears to be a great deal of support for exactly that within a large sector of the Democrat Party.
I noticed that several days ago over 2,000 young people, assumed to be students at Luther College, attended a rally in Decorah for a candidate who wooed them with all sorts of promises of “freebies”. And they bought it, hook, line and sinker. It is disgusting to watch seemingly educated people salivate over the prospect of something for nothing. What has happened to our work ethic and desire to succeed on our own?


Letter to the Editor: The doctor did not lose my vote

To the Editor:
February 1 I took part in the Republican caucus that was held in Waukon. We started in the auditorium, where I spoke in support of ex-governor Mike Huckabee. Previously, I had read about Mike’s proposal to end abortion in the January 25, 2016 Gazette, page 9A.
Next, we exited the auditorium and filed down the hall to our precinct rooms. When I got my ballot, I was still considering Mike Huckabee or Ben Carson. I voted and turned in my ballot.
I did not hear the rumor about Ben Carson until the morning of February 2, after the caucus. I was sorry to hear it. Later, I was happy to learn that it was just a rumor. Now I am thankful that I did not hear the rumor before I voted.
Bruce Palmer



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