

Letter to the Editor: As I remember ...

To the Editor:

After reading a letter to the editor in a previous edition of The Standard newspaper, where the writer needled the county about being coerced into taking over the city airport, I thought, you know, that might not be a bad idea. After all, the county actually did take over the Poor Farm, or as it was sometimes called the County Farm, and has been quite successful in realizing a respectable income from same.

Imagine, with 80 or 100 acres (I am guessing on acreage) of super prime Allamakee County farm land next to the fair grounds, what do you suppose they could do?  With solar lights and all, crops could expect to nearly double all yields. Or as someone once said, “sell the airport, fix the streets and build some houses”.


Letter to the Editor: Questioning accountability

To the Editor:

The July 27 diatribe by Pat Ward in The Standard was another part of his political party deflecting attention away from what is happening to our country under the Biden administration.

Mr. Ward was obviously alluding to the sham “investigation” currently ongoing in Washington designed to try to bring criminal charges against former President Trump in hopes of preventing him from running again in 2024. Mr. Ward alleges, without proof, that Trump was responsible for the action at the Capitol January 6. What Mr. Ward does not do is mention that President Trump authorized the use of the National Guard to protect the Capitol and the current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives refused to call in those 20,000 troops that were available.


Word for Word 7/27/22

Pastor Matthew Majewski
Pastor Matthew Majewski

When Life is Scary

We live in troubled times. We are constantly confronted by headlines of war, fears of disease, concern over the economy, the dangers of violence in our cities and streets, and many other issues.

This is not the first time in history that nations have faced such challenging times. Thankfully, the Bible not only records that fact, but also gives us hope and assurance to face those times. To find that hope means learning the truths that the Bible tells us about uncertain times.


Letter to the Editor: Appreciation for the Star City Film Festival

To the Editor:

I applaud Katie O’Regan and The Sacred Noise Society, Inc. for bringing a bit of Hollywood glamour to northeast Iowa. The Star City Film Festival and the premier of “Good Morning, Miss America” (based on a true story) was inspirational and entertaining.

A film festival of this sort usually only happens in larger or college towns. It shows how fledgling film makers get initial exposure and a possible toe-hold in the movie industry.

It was great that some local people were in the cast of the film premiere, including Katie. It could only have helped the local economy as well - in printing, advertising, travel, lodging, etc. Appreciation also goes out to Val Reinke with Allamakee County Economic Development and Tourism and anything that group had to do with this production.

The new Town Theater marquis is a welcome addition to downtown Waukon. Our Town Theater is a wonderful asset and should be patronized whenever possible.


Letter to the Editor: In response to a multitude of items

To the Editor:

This is in response to one of last week’s letters that mentioned a multitude of items.

Inflation... yes, it’s high... and it’s driven by numerous things... many of which Washington has no control over as we’re a consumer-driven society. “Covid,” and to some extent the “Ukrainian War,” are the biggest factors for the high inflation.

People are buying more, however, manufacturing scaled back due to lack of demand during Covid and still hasn’t caught up... plus, shortage of labor, materials and shipping. Washington could do “price controls” and “wage freezes” and it would stop inflation... but that’s “socialism”... not “capitalism”.


Letter to the Editor: Big Tech is steamrolling America’s newspapers

To the Editor:

Google and Facebook have enormous economic and political power in society - especially over the news industry. Many ask if they have played a role in the misinformation that erodes our free press and plagues our democracy.

Google and Facebook have a duopoly of the distribution of digital news content, which drives people to their platforms where they make money. The platforms hoard critical data and use clever tactics, like reframing stories in rich previews, to keep users on their sites - siphoning off the advertising revenue that small and local publishers need and weakening their ability to be rewarded for their own content.

Google and Facebook generated $4 million in U.S. advertising revenue every 15 minutes during the first quarter of 2022. That amount could fund hundreds of local journalists in every state in the country.


Letter to the Editor: Accountability

To the Editor:

I see neither Mr. Engle nor Mr. Quandahl have made mention of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol of the failed attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government and the U.S. Constitution by both men’s party of insurrection. None of Iowa’s insurrection party members, such as Iowa’s senators, Iowa’s governor or any member of the new party of Iowa, dare mention or condemn what their failed wanna-be dictatorial leader did. If they did, he would banish those from his party or - worse - seek revenge.

All former members of the party of Lincoln are scared to death of one man, and their oath to the constitution and this country mean nothing to them. But they did follow the ex-president down the rabbit hole of crime.

Pat Ward


Letter to the Editor: The silent killer

To the Editor:

Addiction is the only disease that tells you that you don’t have a disease.

This is a powerful statement about the disease of addiction. The silent voice and inner thinking that goes on with addiction - what is it exactly that makes it so difficult to stop? Those who do not understand addiction often believe that if the addict/alcoholic “just tries hard enough,” or “just wants to badly enough,” they can stop.

Shouldn’t their damaging behaviors indicate to the addict/alcoholic that what they are doing to themselves and others in their lives is bad enough to make them want to change?

This lack of understanding results in people who have addictive behaviors being considered “immoral,” “weak,” or even “cursed” with a behavior defect that even incarceration or punishment cannot change. A better understanding of the nature of addiction could correct these damaging misconceptions.


Letter to the Editor: Not going to take this anymore

To the Editor:

I have reached the point where, quoting Peter Finch in the 1976 movie “Network”, “I am madder than hell and am not going to take this anymore”.

So what am I upset about?  Let me count the ways.

We have a president who has created the worst inflation in 40 years and who wants to blame Putin, Big Oil companies, gas station owners and everyone but himself. The same president openly criticizes the Supreme Court for the recent decision on Roe v. Wade, totally misrepresenting what the decision actually means.

The Justice Department refuses to protect the Supreme Court justices, as required by law. Those justices are being threatened daily by mobs who have no regard for the life of a human fetus, yet will not impose capital punishment on someone who kills a dozen people. What has happened to the rule of law?


Letter to the Editor: The court won’t stop with Roe vs. Wade

To the Editor:

The Supreme Court’s decision to overthrow Roe v. Wade should be concerning for every single American. Rather than a court that is expanding freedoms and rights, the courts took away the rights of half the citizens in America by overturning a decades-old settled law. Regardless of whether or not you have had personal experience with abortion, every single one of us knows and loves someone who has had an abortion.

Every person deserves the right to make their own decisions about their health and families without interference from politicians or punishment. And, yet, for half the people in America, that right is now gone. The Supreme Court has taken away Constitutional protection on individual freedom rather than expanding rights and liberties as most of us have witnessed over our lifetimes.


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