

The Fourth Commandment

To the Editor:

Remember to keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God has commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. Exodus 20:8-10 and Deuteronomy 5:12-14. There is more to this, the fourth of the Ten Commandments.

The word sabbath means rest. Remember back in the Book of Genesis, chapter 2, verse 3. Yahshua had worked for six days, and then on the seventh day He rested. He then blessed the day seven, and then He sanctified it. To bless is to make holy, bestow happiness, a gift, to guard, protect. To sanctify means to set apart, to make holy, to purify. He obeyed His own commandment. Look at a calendar, the seventh day is Saturday, not Sunday.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that even though I frequently had to work part of the weekend, when I was employed, I was as guilty as everyone else of looking forward to weekends.

For me, this past weekend was a reminder that not all weekends will be fondly remembered.

All three of the state’s major football teams suffered losses. Iowa’s poor showing against the North Dakota team was no doubt the most surprising, Sounds as if UNI made a good showing. And ISU was supposed to lose.

And then there were the Cubs. After backing into a division title, they promptly lost three of four to a lowly Milwaukee team. Even winners are ill-advised to practice losing!


Word for Word: Pay it Forward

One of the many characteristics, traits, marks, qualities, peculiarities, idiosyncrasies, indications and signs that we are, as followers of Christ, as sons and daughters of God,  to develop, mature and manifest in and through our lives is that of “responsibility.”   Responsibility seems to be a major godly characteristic that is often overlooked or flat out ignored!

We see that within the word “responsibility” is the word “response.”   Response is defined in the dictionary as something SAID or DONE in answer, reply or reaction.  All of God’s Word elicits a response from us; to not respond accordingly is a type of irresponsible response! 


Letter to the Editor: The duty of the American citizen at election time

To the Editor:

Call me cynical but it sure seems like some of our national politics/politicians are getting nastier than ever before. I know that there’s a lot at stake and one might even argue that our nation is in a very precarious position. Our country’s place in helping keep order and economic stability in the world is a huge burden and an honor we should accept and be proud of.

Domestically, security, commerce, uncontrolled debt, uncontrolled immigration and a host of other issues make this voting cycle something every one of us should pay attention to and get involved in. It seems that so many political conversations these days contain more “blame throwing” rather than “problem solving” statements. At the polls, how many of us are more likely to vote against a “bad candidate” rather than for a “good one”?


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that there are many things I enjoy on public radio. But lots of things I don’t enjoy as well.

Wisconsin comes in clearest on my home radios, but the station is so much a house organ for leftist causes that I find it hard to listen. Even to the “entertainment” shows, which feature “jokes” at the expense of conservative candidates about nine to one. That does not surprise me, since the education establishment is the source of much of the broadcasting, and Wisconsin’s governor has not been the best friend of education financing in that state. Wisconsin Public Broadcasting has openly opposed him each of the three times he has won an election.

The Minnesota programming I get is from Rochester, and is sometimes not very strong. But I find less politicking there so listen whenever I can.


Letter to the Editor: “Farm Safety: A Legacy To Be Proud Of”: National Farm Safety and Health Week is September 18-24

To the Editor:

In May of this year, a farmer in southeast Iowa was pinned by a piece of machinery and killed; later that month, an eastern Iowa man was killed when his tractor was struck by a semi. In June, a teenage farm girl died in an ATV incident. These are just a few of the tragedies that will become Iowa’s farm fatality statistics.

This year, the theme for National Farm Safety and Health Week is “Farm Safety…A Legacy to be Proud of.” We talk a lot about farm transitions in Iowa, as we work hard to develop a new generation of farmers to continue our traditions. Unfortunately, we do not incorporate the health and safety of those new farmers often enough into the legacy of farming.



By Deb Winke,
Allamakee County Recorder

The renewal period for all snowmobiles, ATVs, ORVs and ORMs began September 1. Off-Highway Vehicles, which includes all of the above, are renewed every year prior to December 31 to avoid penalty. The fee to renew a current OHV is $17.75. If the OHV is not current, a $5.00 penalty fee applies.

All Off-Highway Vehicles operating on trails, public land or ice must display a current registration decal and have the registration certificate on board. All renewals are processed by the County Recorder’s office. Renewals can be done through the mail by returning the renewal postcard recently sent out or your current registration certificate, along with payment to the Allamakee County Recorder’s office. An additional fee of $1.00 is charged for postage if done by mail. Renewals can also be completed over the counter, with the same information presented, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


And then I wrote...

by Dick Schilling, "Editor Emeritus"

... that this is being written the morning of Labor Day, and I have labored. If you call mowing the lawn labor. And I do!

I refuse to mow more often than once a week. That sometimes means a little raking afterwards in summers like this one, when the green is greener than it ought to be at this time of the year, on hill or in vale.

Because of predicted weather conditions, and with no dew on the grass for a change, I mowed in the morning. And it didn’t feel right. The sun, when it was out, cast shadows in the “wrong” direction. And I also discovered that morning mowing is not ideal for an old man with a prostate problem who drinks about three cups of coffee with breakfast. An hour and a half without a bathroom break is a strain!


Guest Editorial: Sentenced to Life in the American Gulag by Captain Ted Peck

I awoke at 3:12 a.m., my 65-year-old body’s biological clock demanding a trip to the bathroom. A moment later back in bed any possibility of returning to the sweet arms of Morpheus dashed with the reality that I was about to become a prisoner for life in an American Gulag.

A few hours earlier I had attended a meeting at the posh $7.1 million U.S. Fish & Wildlife Visitor Center on the Mississippi River just north of Onalaska, Wis. There were about 40 folks in attendance, there to hear about changes which would directly impact any future visits to the Upper Miss Fish & Wildlife Refuge which sprawls over 240,000 acres from Winona, Mn. to Savanna, Il.

This refuge was established in 1924; about 65 years after both sides of my family were drawn to the banks of the iconic Mississippi. One way or the other we’ve made a portion of our livelihood here ever since.


Letter to the Editor: Supportive of dog park around detention basin area

To the Editor:

What Ms. Clarke suggested a couple weeks ago to do with the water retention area in northwest Waukon is a very good idea. We could use some outside recreation in that part of town.

Think about what Decorah would do with such an area opportunity, only this time do it first, but do it smart. It doesn’t need to be fancy or elaborate, just work with and around nature, such as small wildflower plots, prairie plants, savanna grass areas, maybe cattails where most moisture lies. But most important of all, milkweed plants for Monarch butterflies.

The possibilities are endless. In other words, it can be a work in progress. Girl and Boy Scout troops could get involved. A walking trail around the whole area with a few sitting benches and no steep inclines would be a real benefit and treat for older people.


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