Area ladies and men "Golf for a Cure"

The Fifth Annual “Golf for a Cure” event brought 82 ladies and three men to the Waukon Golf and Country Club Monday, June 28, as 64 golfers and 21 card players did their part to help raise money in the search for a cure for cancer.
The event was made possible by the committee of Barb Hanson, Linda Cox, Dacia Johnson, Dawn Clark, Julie Rotach, Connie Gallagher, and Nancy Einck. Arlene Martin provided the fresh flower arrangements. The featured guest speaker for this year’s event was Jenny Stegen, PA with the Gundersen Lutheran Clinic in Waukon.
The day included participants dressed in pink golfing or playing cards to do their part in donating their time and money for this cause. Prizes were donated by the area business and private individuals. Area businesses also contributed by donating to become hole sponsors.
The money from this year’s event will be given to Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon to go toward the purchase of equipment to assist cancer patients. An approximate amount of $3,800 is expected to have been raised after expenses.
The committee is already in the process of planning the 2011 event. It is hoped that each year the event will continue to grow with community support and participation to raise more money for the hospital fund. Cancer affects not only women, so the committee was glad to see the men come and show their support, and has hopes that more men will follow in their footsteps.
