Authors of book about Bill Waldron's military experience to hold book signing/reading at Robey Memorial Library

Robey Memorial Library in Waukon announces a book signing/reading by Waukon native Jan (Waldron) Votroubek and her husband, Ed Votroubek, Thursday, August 5 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Their book, “Duty, Honor, and a Loaf of Bread: Portrait of an American Family in World War II, 1944-1946” shares the military experience of Jan's father, long-time Waukon baker, Bill Waldron.
The letters between Bill and his wife, Marge, which make up “Duty, Honor, and a Loaf of Bread: Portrait of an American Family in World War 11 1944- 1946” provide a broad picture of the effects of the war. Jan and Ed have faithfully sorted her parents’ correspondence and researched WWII history to produce a book that testifies to the transformation Bill and Marge saw as America sacrificed its smalltown lifestyle to the powers of the global stage.
The book, nearly 400 pages of letters, narrative, and sidebars, is the first foray into commercial literature for the Votroubeks. A labor of love, by Jan, for the large extended Waldron family... the book becomes a voice speaking to all those who served during the tenure of the “Greatest Generation” of World War II, and for all those who remained on U.S. soil waiting for that telegram from the War Department that began ....”We regretfully inform you that ....”!
Bill Waldron didn’t have to go to war. As the town baker, he was exempt. In the days before the advent of industrial bakeries, the local bakery was the sole source for bread, pastries, and bread products. Although newly married, Bill felt a patriotic need to contribute to the war effort.
When Bill decided that he must go off to war (his decision to enlist came shortly after D-Day, 1944), Marge supported his decision... anxiety and angst, however, had to enter her mind! Like millions of wives over the last few millennia, Marge took over the family business.
Bill fought as a rifleman and advance scout during the Battle of the Bulge until the end of the war. The untold story plays out after the war ended. There was nothing to do. Three million GIs had freed Europe and waited impatiently to be discharged. God and his angels worked overtime for Bill Waldron - with special urging from his wife and family. Bill never suffered from illness, frostbite, or wounds. Towards the end, like so many of the casualties of war, he slowly succumbed to the ultimate disease of the soul: depression.
For Ed, a Solon native and former teacher and coach at Waukon's St. Patrick High School, the literary pen has been a long-time calling. “Duty, Honor, and a Loaf of Bread” provides him with an avenue to test those waters.
The book reading and discussion will be in the Community Room of Robey Memorial Library, Thursday, August 5 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The authors will also have copies of the book available for sale, as well as a display of artifacts for viewing.
