Benefit event this Sunday for Jim Reckward at Glenwood

A Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction fundraiser will be held for Jim Reckward of rural Decorah this Sunday, April 11 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Glenwood Lutheran Church, 1197 Old Stage Road, rural Decorah. The event will feature a Pork Loin Dinner with all the fixings, along with a silent auction and door prizes.
Reckward, the brother of Patricia (Pat) Monroe and Sue Lenth of Castalia, is a local International Harvester mechanic and bus driver for the Decorah Community Schools. He has been diagnosed with  Acute Lymphoblastic Luekemia and has already been through two rounds of chemotherapy and is currently at Mayo receiving a bone marrow transplant. He will be staying at the Gift of Life house in Rochester, MN for approximately three months.
Raffle ticket items at the event include a flat screen TV, digital camera, and a romantic stay at a Bed and Breakfast. See the advertisement for the benefit on Page 7A in this week's issue of The Standard for further information. Supplemental funds for the dinner are being applied for through Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Those who would like to make donations or offer items for the auction are asked to contact Pat Monroe at 563-567-8311, Sue Lenth at 563-567-8368 or Susan Nelson at 563-382-4576.
