Betty Mueller to speak at March 31 Women's Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast event

The Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast events are being held each Thursday morning during Lent at Waukon area churches, beginning at 6:45 a.m. All women in the area are invited to attend.
Waukon native Kristi Hager will be the featured speaker for the Women’s Lenten Breakfast at St. Patrick Church in Waukon this Thursday, March 24. Hager will be sharing her faith journey surrounding the Living Stone, a transitional living home located west of Waukon.
Betty Mueller of Postville will be presenting the Ecumenical Lenten breakfast program Thursday, March 31 at First Presbyterian Church in Waukon. Betty and her husband, Bruce Mueller, own and operate several construction-related businesses. She also provides health coach services to people who have chosen to create better health in their lives by encouraging and supporting them in developing healthy habits for life.
Raised on a farm in Nebraska with five brothers and two sisters, Mueller has always appreciated country life. She now enjoys their home in nearly 25 acres of woods located between Postville and Waukon.
Mueller will share how her faith has transformed her life and reshaped the health of many who know her. She will share some of the healthy habits that have helped her shed 102 pounds in 10 months and allowed her to reduce three medications. Her husband has also lost 85 pounds in 10 months and also reduced three medications. The Muellers are now able to enjoy more activities with their children and 13 grandchildren.
Betty says, “While I’m not trained in public speaking, it is certainly an honor to be asked to present the Lenten breakfast program. It is such a blessing to share our story and provide hope to those who are struggling with health issues of their own! It is my hope that someone will be inspired and encouraged by our story!”
The remaining schedule for the Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast dates includes:
• April 7 - Zion United Church of Christ
• April 14 - St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.

Kristi Hager featured this Thursday