Bus tour planned for August 6 to view frac sand mining facilities

The Allamakee County Protectors are sponsoring a bus tour of frac sand mining, processing and transportation facilities in southwest Wisconsin Tuesday, August 6. Members of the general public are invited to reserve a seat on that bus tour, which will involve a guided tour of those facilities by an area resident with experience and knowledge about the frac sand mining process and its impact on his home area in Wisconsin.
The tour will be leaving the baseball diamond parking lot in Lansing at 7 a.m. and the Main Street bandstand location in New Albin at 7:15 a.m., returning to New Albin around 6:45 p.m. and to Lansing at approximately 7 p.m. A stop for lunch will also take place during the bus trip.
Cost for the tour will depend upon the number of participants, but will range between $17 and $25 per person. Funds will be collected at boarding. If fewer than 36 individuals sign up for the tour, it will be cancelled.
To reserve a seat on the bus tour, or for more information, contact Ric or Betty Zarwell at 563-538-4991, 563-419-4991 or 563-419-1939. Deadline to reserve a seat is Friday, August 2 by 8 p.m.
