City Council passes first reading of ordinance to increase water/sewer rates during busy session

by Dwight Jones

The Waukon City Council met in regular session the evening of Monday, May 16 with the full council in attendance.  Councilman John Ellingson did have to leave the meeting early for another commitment.
Under Regular Business, the first item involved setting the public hearing date of June 6, 2011 regarding a General Obligation Loan Agreement.  The proposed sale of bonds will be used to fund several capital improvement-type projects including work involving the Innovative Ag annexation, Northgate lift station project, recreational sports fields and more. The Council then approved a financial advisory service agreement between the City and Piper Jaffray & Co. to orchestrate the sale of the above-listed bonds.
Next, Jason Fish, owner of Good Fella’s in downtown Waukon, was in attendance to ask for approval to hold another Waukon Area Fire Protection Benefit, similar to what has been done in past years.  The request was approved with the event scheduled for the night of Saturday, June 11.
The Council then approved a budget amendment for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. A public hearing was held regarding the amendment prior to the Regular Business portion of the meeting with no comments from the public.
Members of the Waukon Economic Development (WEDC) board were in attendance to discuss a proposed development agreement with WW Homestead Dairy LLC. Partners Paul Weighner, Tom Weighner and Tom Walleser had written a letter to WEDC requesting financial start-up and site improvement assistance. The business will be housed in a portion of the former Northern Engraving property, and is expected to generate six new jobs within the next year or so. The Council agreed that the project held much promise and encouraged the WEDC members to continue to work with the group to keep progress moving in a positive direction.
Rick Meyer, director of Robey Memorial Library in Waukon, was in attendance to explain a Library Foundation that has been started, in addition to updating the Council on the proposed renovation project that has been discussed for the facility over the past several years. The most recent cost estimates for the overall project are in the $1,311,000 range. Under such terms, the City would be responsible for $493,000 with the balance coming from grants, donations and other funding sources. Ellingson explained that such an expenditure would likely be best suited for approval via a bond referendum vote that the public would vote upon. Discussions will continue.
Laura Olson, Lori Brockway and Cassie Tysland were in attendance to update the Council on its options for housing assistance, available through information that was obtained from a low/moderate income survey that was conducted within the past two years.  The funding would come via a CDBG Grant that would be written with assistance from Upper Exploreland Regional Planning Commission (UERPC) at the cost of $1,500. The Council approved to have UERPC continue with the project, though no “matching” funds would be needed from the City any earlier than a year from now, should the grant be approved.
Waukon Park and Recreation Director Jeff Snitker was in attendance to discuss seeding options for the sports field project currently being constructed adjacent to the Waukon Wellness Center. The Council approved a quote from SODKO in the amount of $13,207 that would cover seeding, silt fence and mulch.
The Council then approved the first reading of the proposed eight percent increase to water and sewer rates. If the following two readings are approved, the increase would be effective starting in July. The Council is raising the rates to cover current expenses. The Council also approved the first reading of a proposed $1/month fee for property owners to assist with costs associated with yard waste disposal.
The Council then asked City Attorney Jim Garrett to contact Mohn Excavating of Lansing to begin the process of vacating a portion of alley between Second Street SW and Third Street SW. Garrett expects costs to be approximately $1,000, which will be divided among adjacent property owners interested in acquiring a portion of the property.
Next, the Council reviewed cost proposals to repair a portion of collapsed storm sewer at the Bev Needham property.  The Council approved the bid from Skyline Construction, very similar to the engineer’s estimate. Work will begin following the placement of a required easement.
The Council then approved a change order from Skyline in the amount of $20,900 to add sanitary sewer infrastructure at the previously-mentioned sports field project. The Council was then to review quotes to provide water services to the same property, but no bids were received prior to the bid deadline so that issue was tabled.
Councilman Steve Wiedner has been busy working on acquiring some I-Jobs Funding through the State of Iowa to assist with paving work needed at the entrance of the airport and the north entrance at the fairgrounds. The City is entitled to $21,953, and the two projects listed should nearly equal the amount available. The Council happily agreed to move forward with the projects.
The Council then approved the establishment of a Park Improvements Project Fund to coordinate the expenses and revenues involved with the on-going City Park improvements.
To close the meeting, the Council approved additional hours for Planning and Zoning Administrator Al Lyon to assist with duties within the City Clerk’s Office.
