Council discusses notification of residents about changes regarding pools, fish ponds

by Dwight Jones

Due to the President’s Day holiday Monday, February 21, the Waukon City Council met in a delayed regular session the evening of Tuesday, February 22. The full council was in attendance to address a relatively short 10-item Regular Business agenda.
Lissa Blake, Executive Director of the Waukon Chamber of Commerce, was in attendance to once again discuss the commercial banners that hang throughout the downtown area. Blake had notified the Council at a previous meeting that she had been informed that due to some regulations at the State level, they could no longer hang over the street/highway. Blake and the Council agreed that a simple fix would be to swing them around so they hang over the boulevard/sidewalk area. The “fix” was approved and will be implemented.
Next, the Council continued discussion on the issue of prohibiting weapons on certain City properties. As mentioned in an earlier article, with changes regarding concealed weapons that went into effect January 1 in the State of Iowa, many other cities had implemented such restrictions. Councilman John Ellingson again expressed that he was not in support of the concept, stating that if people want to bring guns and harm others at public meetings, rules are not going to stop them. However, the remaining four councilmen apparently found at least some benefit and approved the change.
The Council then approved a request by the Allamakee County Cattleman’s Association to sell food on the public sidewalk (near the former Tierney’s building) during the day of the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
The hiring of Brent Johnson was then approved by the Council. Johnson will be joining the Water and Sewer Department on a full-time basis effective March 8. Terms are per union contract.
The Council then reviewed the proposed updated ordinance regarding pools of water. The Council was concerned that the public be informed that the changes not only affect swimming pools, but also pools of water that are constructed as part of landscaping (decorative fish ponds, etc.). The language of the ordinance speaks mainly to pools, but those with fish ponds or landscaping pools of water could also be affected. Those who have questions are encouraged to contact Mayor Loren Beneke or a council member.
The Council then discussed the best possible way to implement the $75,000 REAP Grant recently received for enhancements at the City Park. Discussions revolved around the possible establishment of a committee, similar to what was done when the Wellness Center was being developed and built. The Council approved the committee, which will consist of one Park and Rec Board appointment, two council members, the mayor and a representative with the Soil Conservation Commission.
Following the approval of three resolutions regarding fund transfers, on the final item of the night, the Council approved the appointment of Maura Jones to the Board of Adjustment, replacing Bill Blagsvedt.
