Fire Department to conduct Operation EDITH in Waukon Wednesday, October 6

In conjunction with National Fire Prevention Week, October 3-10, the Waukon Area Fire Protection District encourages Waukon residents to take part in Operation EDITH (Exit Drills in the Home) Wednesday, October 6 as a way of reinforcing some of the safety measures taught by local fire volunteers in the elementary schools that same week throughout the local school district.
At 6 p.m. that Wednesday, the city's emergency sirens will sound an alarm, notifying residents that they should take action with a fire escape plan for their own home. Once they have implemented their own fire escape plan, residents are then urged to turn on their front porch light and remain outside of their homes at their fire escape plan meeting location until members of the local fire department drive by. The department members will be traveling the streets of Waukon during the drill session, counting the number of homes which have their porch lights on indicating they carried out their fire escape plan. Adult members of each household are encouraged to sit down with the children in the household to go through a fire escape plan that would best fit their situation prior to Wednesday evening's Operation EDITH.
