Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast events to begin February 21 at St. Patrick Church in Waukon

The first Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast will be held at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Waukon Thursday, February 21. All women in the area are invited to attend these events taking place during the Lenten season.
The February 21 Lenten breakfast event will begin at 6:45 a.m. with breakfast, followed at 7 a.m. with a program presented by Fr. Joseph Schneider, Pastor of St. Patrick Church. His presentation for February 21 is entitled "From Death to Life."
The remaining schedule for this year's Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast dates includes:
• February 28 - St. John's Lutheran Church
• March 7 - Presbyterian Church
• March 14 - Zion United Church of Christ
• March 21 - St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.
