The Living Stone reflects on its first two years of existence

The Living Stone, located four miles west of Waukon on Highway 9, is a faith-based home that opened its doors to females March 2, 2009. During its first two years there have been nine females as part of the Living Stone program.
The mission of Directors Bob and Kristi Hager and Overseer Kriss Nett at the Living Stone is to strengthen, equip, and prepare individuals for return to the “real world” by making Jesus an essential part in their life. The vision at the Living Stone is to provide for those who are homeless, those being released from prison, those with addictions, and those searching for a message of hope through a deeper understanding and personal relationship with Christ Jesus.
“As I look back over the past two years I can’t help but marvel at how a dream over 11 years ago has become a reality,” states Kristi Hager. "For our community to openly support this program makes me thankful I live in Allamakee County. This vision is not fully realized; yet each day, each resident, each encounter brings it closer to what I see the Living Stone becoming.  I, too, have grown and developed through this program, becoming more confident and focused in the God-given purpose for my life."
The objectives at the Living Stone are to reach out to each individual that comes here to affect their lives in a positive way; to strengthen each person by providing opportunities affecting the heart, mind, soul, and body; and empower individuals to be “successful” at home, work and play.
The Living Stone believes a relationship with Christ brings meaning and purpose to individual lives and that all individuals are worthy and deserving of love and respect because through love anything is possible. All people are seen as being created as unique individuals with valuable gifts meant to be shared, and it is felt that with goals, dreams, and high expectations, everyone can become “successful”.
“I have learned the power of prayer and getting to know God through the Living Stone," says current resident Lisa W. "I have learned the closeness of everyone at the Living Stone and the people in the community. The Living Stone is a great place to be and I am thankful to have been able to experience all of this with caring and loving people to help me on my way.”
At the Living Stone, an individual will learn valuable skills through relationships and programs centering around three areas: Individual Development, Community Involvement, and Management Skills.
Nett shares, “After a year of personal trials and loss, I feel very blessed to be back at the Living Stone as House Overseer. I think the biggest thing I have learned with my time at Living Stone is to let go and let God do the work in the resident's lives, and for me to be available to assist in the work he is doing. My primary role is to be that somebody they can lean on while they are finding their wings, and trusting them to God when they fly away into their new lives.”
The Living Stone is a non-profit organization that gets its funding in two different ways; one being the fee charged to residents, which is $50 a week for residents who do not have a job or 20% of their paycheck. The other funding source is from the donations that caring and supporting individuals give.
Some of the activities the Living Stone have include a bible study every Tuesday night which a few women from the community come and join.  Right now, the study being worked on is “Lord changes my attitude”. The Living Stone is always looking for new things to do and looking for better ways to help the women in the program. Many residents have also volunteered at the Allamakee County Food Shelf each Thursday in Waukon as well as helping in the church environment whenever or wherever needed.
“The Living Stone has helped me a lot in this journey I am on,” resident Megan C. states. “I have had some bumps in the road, like my stepdad passing away. The Living Stone has been there for me through it all, helping me continue with my goals and dreams. Coming into this program I never would have thought I could stand on my own two feet and they have helped show me that I can. They have been so loving and caring to me since I have been here. I will always stay close to them after I leave. I have become part of a wonderful family.  I was saved on October 21, 2010 and I never would have thought I would have wanted to do something like that. The Living Stone IS my family.”
Kristi Hager admits the Living Stone started out knowing what the big picture was going to look like, but not knowing how it was all going to come together. She describes the Living Stone as a never-ending puzzle, and every individual that walks in brings another piece of the puzzle with them. Described by many as a family, whenever one person is hurting their Living Stone family is there for them no matter what is going on, and no matter how far they may go once they leave the program they can rest assured they have made friends they will have for the rest of their lives.
“I can now say I have been sober for one year and I have not been able to say that in a very long time," commented one former resident. "I do have to say that I would not have made it this far without the Living Stone. While at the Living Stone, I got a chance to break away from everything and was able to do some searching and while searching I was able to find ME. I was lost for so long.  Without the Living Stone, I do not think I could have ever found myself. So, here I am, still me and still at ease and sober thanks to the Living Stone. A word of advice: take some time and find yourself; it’s really worth it.”
For further information on the Living Stone and the programs and services it has to offer contact 563-568-5040 or P.O. Box 441, Waukon, IA 52172.
