November 14-20 Tobacco Awareness Week

The American Cancer Society has scheduled the 35th annual Great American Smokeout for November 18 to encourage smokers to quit for a day in the hope they may quit for good.  The Great American Smokeout coincides with the eighth annual Tobacco Awareness Week being held November 14-20 throughout northeast Iowa.
“Tobacco Awareness Week is a week set aside to acknowledge people’s views on tobacco issues and to educate youth and adults on the risk cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, secondhand and third-hand smoke have on a person,” said Marilyn Zweibahmer, Tobacco Coordinator for Allamakee, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek Counties.
Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in today's society, causing more deaths than alcohol, AIDS, illegal drugs, car accidents, fires, murders and suicides. Yet, an estimated 391,500 adults in Iowa are smokers. Youth smoking prevalence in Iowa remains high with 19% of Iowa high school students being current smokers. People can help change these statistics by taking part in the Great American Smokeout and Tobacco Awareness Week.
Utilize free “quit packets” to obtain tobacco brochures and information, along with a “how to quit” guide and information on Quitline Iowa.  These “quit packets” will be available at Donlon Health Mart, Medicap Pharmacy and Wal-Mart Pharmacy in Decorah; Hoines Health Mart and Medicap Pharmacy in Cresco; Riceville Pharmacy in Riceville; Don’s Pharmacy, Schuchmann’s Health Mart Pharmacy in Oelwein; Scott’s Pharmacy in Fayette; Steege Pharmacy and Union Drug in West Union; and Hartig Drug in Waukon.
Display boards showing information about JEL (Just Eliminate Lies), the student-driven organization, county tobacco coalitions, smokefree home and vehicle pledges, the Smokefree Air Act, Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, new smokeless products and Quitline Iowa are located in local libraries.  They can be found at Waukon, Postville, and Lansing libraries in Allamakee County; West Union, Fayette and Oelwein libraries in Fayette County, Cresco and Lime Springs libraries in Howard County; and Decorah, Calmar and Fort Atkinson in Winneshiek County.
