Republicans attend District Convention

Allamakee County Republicans from Lansing, Postville, Waterville and Waukon traveled to the Fourth District Republican convention Saturday, May 1. The Allamakee delegation was joined by just under 400 folks from the 28 counties in Iowa's fourth congressional district. Delegates began the day with hearing from Congressman Tom Latham, Senator Chuck Grassley, Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey, State Auditor Dave Vaudt, Candidate for Iowa Attorney General Brenna Findley, and candidate for Iowa Treasurer Jim Heavans.  Next, delegates elected a Chair, Secretary and Parliamentarian and approved the rules that would govern the day's convention and heard the reports from the credentials and permanent organization committee. Two people for the credentials committee, two people for the rules committee, and four people for the platform committee were elected to join those from the other four congressional districts to serve on the state committees. Candidates for Iowa Governor Terry Branstad and Bob Vander Plaats gave presentations to the delegates. The final item before lunch was to elect three people to serve the fourth  district on the State Central Committee.
During the lunch break, delegates heard from special guest Michael Regan (pictured at right) and also from candidate for Iowa Governor Rod Roberts. The caucus reconvened after lunch to hear from candidate for Secretary of State George Eichorn, candidate for Secretary of State Matt Schultz, and candidate for Treasurer of Iowa Dave Jameson. The junior delegates gave a presentation to the convention and submitted their ideas to become part of the platform. The final agenda item was to debate and vote on the 17 planks on agriculture, 19 planks on business and economic development, 43 planks on education, 13 planks on energy and transportation, 16 planks on family values, 70 planks on government, 25 planks on health and human services, 17 planks on homeland security and immigration, 30 planks on law and justice, 25 planks on national defense and foreign policy, 12 planks on natural resources and the environment, 50 planks on taxes and spending, and 10 Republican Party related commendations. The delegates who represented Allamakee County at the district convention will also travel to Des Moines for the Republican Party of Iowa State Convention the last weekend in June.
