Robey Memorial Library campaign reaches million dollar funding level

Robey Memorial Library Expansion Project Capital Campaign Co-Chairs Ken Olson, MD and Will Ament have announced that gifts and pledges to the fundraising campaign have topped the one million dollar mark. “We really want to thank everyone in the Robey Memorial Library service area who has made a pledge and gift to this campaign,” said Ament. “Your generosity has now raised over $1 million, which is over 70% of our campaign minimum goal of $1.4 million. This demonstration of local philanthropy and investment in our public library will help us raise some grant funds from private foundations.”
The Robey Memorial Library Board of Trustees and staff have been planning a library expansion project for close to 10 years. This expansion will nearly double the current size of the library. For a few months, the trustees and other volunteers have been working on this campaign.
“We are pleased to be this far along in our fundraising efforts,” said Olson. “We have about 25 volunteers visiting with area residents and businesses, explaining the need to expand our library and the benefits library expansion will bring. Will and I hope everyone will meet with a campaign volunteer and make their campaign decision on a generous pledge soon so we can start this building project later this year. Later, we will contact other prospects out of the immediate area and we believe they will be impressed with the local fundraising effort we have achieved so far.”
Robey Memorial Library statistics over the past few years show usage increases in many categories, including Items Borrowed, Internet/Computer Use, Circulation, Library Visits and Library Program Attendance.
The Robey Memorial Library Board of Trustees, Foundation Board of Directors, and additional area volunteers are conducting this Capital Fundraising Campaign to finance the expansion project. The total estimated cost of expansion is about $1.4 million. Library volunteers and staff are working with Gardner Architecture of Strawberry Point.
To make a gift to the campaign or receive more information, contact the library at 563-568-4424.
