Robey Memorial Library expansion campaign begins Community Phase

The Robey Memorial Library Expansion Project Capital Campaign has raised over $1.1 million in gifts and pledges, according to Campaign Co-Chairs Ken Olson, MD and Will Ament. Still in pursuit of its $1.4 million goal, the Capital Campaign has now kicked off the Community Phase of its campaign contribution process.
“Our campaign volunteers have done a wonderful job of visiting with as many people as possible in person to tell them about this wonderful project and invite them to join the fundraising campaign,” said Olson.  “Now we are moving into our Community Phase with a giving coupon in The Standard newspaper for everyone to use to financially support this project and campaign.”
The Community Contribution Form (printed at right under the "Giving: It's all about Community" header) will allow anyone who wants to make a contribution or pledge, but who may not yet have been contacted or made that contribution or pledge, to do so by cutting out the coupon, completing the necessary information and then mailing it or delivering it personally to Robey Memorial Library at the address listed at the bottom of the coupon. The "Giving: It's all about Community" series will also feature a testimonial from area residents who will share their thoughts on the expansion project and campaign.
Volunteers have worked on this campaign for the past several months visiting with area residents and businesses about this project. “We don’t have enough volunteers to visit with everyone, so we decided to print this giving coupon in The Standard,” said Ament.  “Please look through The Standard newspaper today and clip out the coupon and send in your gift today, or you can contact our library director, Rick Meyer, at 563-568-4424 for information on how to give.”
The Robey Memorial Library Board of Trustees and staff have been planning a library expansion project for close to 10 years. This expansion will nearly double the current size of the library.
Usage of the Robey Memorial Library has grown dramatically over the past few years according to documentation by Library Director Rick Meyer.  Over the past few years, library items borrowed have increased eight percent, library visits increased 31 percent, internet/computer use increased six percent, and library program attendance increased eight percent.
“The increase in library use along with the need to expand space for library programs, technology, the shelving of books, and so many other reasons are why we are doing this campaign to expand our library,” Ament said.
To make a gift to the campaign or receive more information, contact Meyer at the library at 563-568-4424.
