Robey Memorial Library Expansion Project receives $60,000 Roy J. Carver grant

The Robey Memorial Library Expansion Project Capital Campaign has received a Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust Grant of $60,000. Capital Campaign Co-Chairs Ken Olson, MD and Will Ament announced this grant recently.
"This is a major grant toward our library expansion project and campaign,” said Campaign Co-Chair Ken Olson, MD. “We applied to the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust a few months ago and their board decided on this major support. This brings our campaign fundraising total to about $1.3 million toward our ultimate goal of about $1.56 million,” Olson said.  
“Our campaign continues to move toward the funds we need for completing this project,” said Campaign Co-Chair Will Ament. “Our volunteers have done a wonderful job of personally visiting with as many people as possible to tell them about this project and invite them to join the fundraising campaign. In addition, we have publicized our campaign with a Community Phase in The Standard and many people have responded with a campaign gift. We still need funds, about $250,000, so please if you would like to make a gift contact the library at 568-4424,” Ament said.
The Robey Memorial Library Capital Campaign began about eight months ago and has made steady progress toward its fundraising needs. Building material costs have risen over the past year requiring more funds to be raised.
The Robey Memorial Library Board of Trustees and staff have been planning a library expansion project for close to 10 years. This expansion will nearly double the current size of the library.
Usage of the Robey Memorial Library has grown dramatically over the past few years according to documentation by Library Director Rick Meyer.  Over the past few years, library items borrowed have increased eight percent, library visits increased 31 percent, internet/computer use increased six percent, and library program attendance increased eight percent.
To make a gift to the campaign or receive more information, contact Rick Meyer at the library at 563-568-4424.
