Sarah Bieber will be featured speaker Thursday for Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast at St. John's

The Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast are underway and all women in the area are invited to attend these events taking place during the Lenten season. The Lenten breakfast events will begin at 6:45 a.m. with breakfast, followed at 7 a.m. with a program.
The Thursday, February 28 Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast will be held in the St. John’s Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. The program entitled “Summoning Christians to Worship: The Sounding Bell” will be presented by Sarah Bieber, a 2012 graduate of Luther College and the daughter of Jim and Sue Bieber of Waukon.
Bieber has been playing handbells since sixth grade and continuously through her senior year in high school performing in her father’s junior and youth handbell choirs at St. John’s. She continued playing handbells in the Luther Ringers at Luther College and was among a group of St. John’s bell choir members who toured with other ringers in England in 2004.
In 2010, Bieber performed a solo at the AGEHR Area Eight Handbell Festival in Rochester, MN, and in 2011 performed two solos at an international handbell symposium in Colorado Springs, CO. In 2012, she performed a solo bell selection at the American Church in Paris accompanied by the handbell director/composer Fred Gramann.
Bieber’s program will include a brief history of tower bells used in Europe centuries ago through modern days to signal the time for worship to those attending church. She will further explain how the use of handbells evolved and invite a few women to learn how to play.
The remaining schedule for this year's Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast dates includes:
• March 7 - Presbyterian Church
• March 14 - Zion United Church of Christ
• March 21 - St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.
