Supervisors consider another offer to purchase Makee Manor

by Bob Beach

During its regular meeting Tuesday, March 25 the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met with Stacie Cooper of Sweeney Real Estate and Richard and Liz Seibert, who presented an offer to purchase the Makee Manor building and some of the surrounding property. Cooper said that the Seiberts' offer of $70,000 includes $45,000 for the main building, $10,000 for the kitchen appliances and equipment and $15,000 for additional property not included in the County's listing of the property.
Cooper said that this is a cash offer - the Seiberts will not be seeking financing. She said that the Seiberts' primary goal is to preserve the historical value of the building, but that initial plans for the building may include a retail catering business with three or four employees. Cooper added that the Seiberts have requested 30 days to submit a formal business plan for the Board's approval and that the offer will be open until March 31.
Richard Seibert told the Board that he has a number of concerns about the property that he feels justify an offer that is less than the County's asking price of $100,000.  He said that the well on the property is "coming to the end of its life" and that the lagoon system may prove to be problematic in terms of permitting and repair or replacement of the valves used to control the flow between the lagoons. He added that the footings on the water tower are in need of repair and that the plumbing in the building is leaking. In terms of a business plan, Seibert said that it's difficult to predict what the future would bring for the property, but his intention is to offer retail space for rent at the property.
Supervisor Sherry Strub said that she is concerned about the lack of a business plan with the offer, since the Board's purpose in offering the property for sale has always been to bring jobs to the County. She also noted that the Seibert's offer fall's short of the County's $100,000 asking price and includes two additional acres that were not included in that asking price. "We have to justify the acceptance of an offer to the people of this County," she said.
Board Chairman Larry Schellhammer said he appreciates that someone is willing to "take a chance" on the property and make an offer. He said that there are many things to consider in regard to the Board's decision on whether to sell the property or not, namely the County's possible future need for the land to build a new jail. He said that he recognizes the burden the property currently represents, asking, "Are we just transferring a burden to someone else? Is that the right thing to do?"
Supervisor Dennis Koenig said that, like Strub, he is concerned about the lack of a business plan. He said that he needs time to digest the information Seibert presented and is not prepared to make a decision on the offer.
Chairman Schellhammer said that he and the other members of the Board would discuss the offer individually with the County Attorney and possibly discuss a counter-offer in a closed session at the Board's next regular meeting.
The Board also met with Allamakee County Relief Director Becky Hawes, who presented the Board with the County's current policy regarding County-funded burials as well as examples of policies from other counties. She pointed out that Allamakee County's current policy does not include cremation as an option, which is less expensive than burials. Chairman Schellhammer said that a County-funded burial should be considered as a last resort and that perhaps only cremation should be offered by the County. He said that he would work with the County Attorney to revise the County's policy.
In other business, the Board approved a federal aid agreement for the replacement of the bridge over Norfolk Creek on Yellow River Drive. County Engineer Brian Ridenour said that the federal funds would cover 80% of the cost of the bridge replacement and that construction would likely begin next spring or summer. The Board also listened to a presentation by Lisa Matthews of Northeast Iowa Community Action regarding the Family Development and Self-Sufficiency program.
