Supervisors learn of upcoming closure of Makee Manor, approve road embargo for asphalt roads within county

by Bob Beach

During public comment time at the regular meeting of the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors Monday, March 18, Chairman Larry Schellhammer announced that the Board had been notified that Makee Manor will be terminating operations effective April 17 of this year. Schellhammer said that employees and family members of residents at the facility were to be notified of the pending closure Monday morning. A letter received from the Makee Manor Board of Directors stated, “The combined effects of a low census, low reimbursement rates and the shift to the smaller group homes are contributing factors resulting in the closing.”
Also during public comment time, the Board expressed its appreciation and thanks to the Allamakee County officials who participated in a discussion of frac sand mining during the Iowa State Association of Counties Spring School of Instruction held in Des Moines Friday, March 15. Those contributing to the presentation included County Zoning Administrator Tom Blake, County Attorney Jill Kistler and County Engineer Brian Ridenour.
Turning to regular business, the Board held a public hearing regarding the County Social Services (CSS) management plan for mental health and developmental disabilities services. Central Point of Coordination Administrator Jan Heikes explained that the plan presented to the Board includes some changes to the current CSS management plan that have not yet been approved by the CSS Board. After hearing no comments from the public, the Board approved the current CSS management plan and the proposed plan as presented.
Rachelle Howe, Executive Director of Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission (UERPC), updated the Board on UERPC programs. Howe said that she and UEPRC staff are making an effort to educate the 52 communities in the Commission’s service area about the 76 different programs it administers, including water, sewer, housing and workforce programs, among others. She also offered the Commission’s assistance in updating Alllamakee County’s Comprehensive Plan.
The Board met with County Engineer Brian Ridenour, who asked for and received the Board’s approval of a resolution imposing a weight-limit embargo on County asphalt roads, which will go into effect Friday when signs have been posted. Ridenour also assured the Board that “we do have a plan” regarding the maintenance of County gravel roads, which he said are “the worst that they’ve ever been,” the result of weather conditions that have both rapidly deteriorated the roads and complicated maintenance operations. Ridenour said that once the snow has been cleared, County road crews will begin hauling as much rock as they can, including overtime, if necessary.
The Board accepted the resignation of Doug Mullen from the Board of Adjustment effective March 12. In his letter of resignation, Mullen cited “unforeseen family issues” as the reason for his recommendation. Chairman Schellhammer noted that Mullen had been recently appointed to the board and that there had been another applicant for the position.
The Board also approved Head Custodian Mike Gallagher’s recommendation to hire Matt Beisker as a part-time custodian at the courthouse for approximately 17 hours per week starting at $10 per hour March 20.
